CHAPTER 15: The Plan

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The small team looked over all the papers that Anna had brought. She had a few ideas of where the Banshee could be hiding locally. There's not much within the surrounding area. But within a thirty mile radius, there were several places. If the Banshee showed up at the cottage, chances are that it isn't very far. Anna had her eyes on an abandoned compound about ten miles away.

"You're sure this is the place?" Derek questioned

"There's only one way to find out." Anna replied

"So we're just gonna march right in, not knowing what to expect?"

"More or less."

"This whole thing could end up being a complete waste of time!" Peter complained "Say the creature isn't there, what then?"

"Then we move on to the next location." Anna states

Bella sighed, "I hate to say it, but he's right."

Peter looks towards his daughter with a surprised look. She agreed with him.

"We can't just go to this place and expect to find the banshee right there." Bella said "We could be looking in the wrong place. I think it's best to be sure before we go marching in"

"I agree." Derek said

Anna frowned at that. Ethan took notice.

"Anna, I don't know exactly what it is you're thinking of but I don't think it's the right way to go about it." Ethan tells her. "We need to look into this further. We need a plan if something goes wrong."

"We should split up into groups." Derek suggests "Each of us could go and take a look at each of the places on the map. Cut time in half."

"For once, not a bad idea, nephew." Peter said

"It's still early enough in the day to go take a look." Jackson said

"You know what? That is a great idea." Peter said sarcastically as he pointed to Ethan and Jackson. "You two lovebirds go together."

Peter turns to his nephew "Derek, you go with our guest, whatever her name is."

"Her name is Anna." Bella said agitatedly

Peter pointed at his daughter, "You come with me, sweetheart."

Bella stammered "Why do I have to go with you?"

Peter ignores this as he moves towards the front door  "Let's get a move on! I want to give this banshee a piece of my mind for what she did to me."

Bella looks up at Derek in surprise as he shrugged.

"Seriously? You're not gonna say anything about this?" Bella questioned

"Just deal with it for now, okay?' Derek said as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Did you forget what happened?"

"He's not possessed anymore. I think we can play it safe. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can all go home, okay?"

Bella threw her hands up in surrender. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with. Just don't expect me to be on friendly terms with him."

Bella then moved out the front door as Derek watched. "Stubborn." He said to himself.

"Things seem right tense between those two." Anna said as she came up from behind Derek.

"You have no idea."

Bella stepped outside where Peter was waiting by one of the cars. She suddenly had an idea. Bella shook her head and decided to play her way. She stepped down the front porch and walked towards the side of the house where a large shed stood.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Peter called after her

Ethan and Jackson exchanged looks and smirked.

"She's gonna do the thing." Jackson said proudly

Peter heard this and turned to glare at the two men. "What thing?"

And just like that, a loud engine revving was heard and from around the corner at high speed, came an Aston Martin. The gray colored car appeared as a blur in Peter's eyes as it was too quick to catch and swerved to a full stop in front of him. Peter observes the car as he steps back in shock as he sees his daughter in the driver's seat with the windows down. Derek and Anna looked in surprise as Ethan and Jackson laughed.

"Are we doing this thing? I don't have all day!" Bella said in a snarky tone. 

Peter looks down at her before scoffing with a smirk and entering the passenger side. Being a British car, the passenger side was on the reverse side. Before Peter even fully got into the car, Bella took off at high speed. Peter was both impressed and concerned.

"Hey! Slow down!" He said to her as he held on to his seat

Bella said nothing and she looked ahead at the road. Peter peers over at her. "Okay, question. Where did you get this car? How are you driving like this? And will you please, slow down?! You are driving recklessly!"

"That's three questions." Bella said with an unamused smirk as she held up three fingers.

"Where did you even get this car ?!"

Bella scoffed, "You bought it."

"I never bought you a car!" Peter said with a confused look.

"You said you would buy me a car for graduation. This is the car. I took matters into my own hands when I got here."

"Are you kidding me?" Peter glares at her direction "You took my money to buy yourself a car?!"

"Hey! It's my money too, remember?" Bella argued

"You..." Peter paused as he realized which money his daughter was referring to. "You used our family's money?"

"At least I know how to manage it."

"That's not the point! You took that money without asking me!"

"I'm sorry, you were the one who said that the money was ours! For us, for our future. I don't go spending every dime we have like some spoiled brat! Besides, how do you think I even got here?"

Peter closed his eyes and groaned in frustration. "How often are you using the money?"

"Not much. All I did was book the trip here, buy myself a car and take care of myself. That's all! Besides, I know how to manage responsibly."

"That's not...that's not the point!"

"And what is?!" Bella yelled "Are you going back on your word about the money being ours?"

"Of course not!" Peter said "I just didn't know you were using it!"

"That's what happens when you leave things in a vault. Especially cold hard cash and bonds that someone can easily gain access to."

"Touche." Peter sighed, knowing he lost this argument as he looked over the dashboard of the car. "Well, at least you got your taste in cars from me."

Bella lightly scoffed with a small smile, shaking her head as the sound of the engine revved.

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