CHAPTER 25: Questions

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"What do you mean by recruiting?" Bella questioned as her eyes locked towards David.

"I mean they're recruiting. Gathering other alphas to make one whole pack." David explained

"Like an Alpha Pack?" Bella asked

David nods

Bella turns towards Ethan "Like what Deucalion's pack was?"

"Sort of." Ethan said "Only there is a much larger gathering of Alphas in this pack and some very powerful ones. The Alpha that you and Luke fought was one of them. Or what was left of it"

"The one you fought lost touch with humanity." Anna stated "It became more disconnected from its human side. The more disconnected you are, the more of a monster you are in wolf form. It's why the rogue looked the way it did. Its werewolf side took over completely while the human within it was weak."

Bella's mind immediately went back to when Peter woke from his coma years ago and the werewolf he became from it. The feral monster her father once became. From when he wasn't in control on a full moon. From when he killed Laura Hale, he wasn't in control then, due to being in a coma for six years. It was because of the monster Peter became that he was killed by Derek. Bella wondered if something similar had happened with this Alpha.

"What caused the rogue Alpha to become like this?" Bella asked

"Could be anything." David admitted "An accident, a traumatic event. Being withheld from the power of a full moon for sometime. No one knows."

"Hey, don't you know something about that?" Jackson jumped in

Bella's eyes widened in surprise as she looked over at Jackson. She glared at him to get him to shut up. Ethan reacted the same way too.

"What's this now?" David asked Jackson.

"It's nothing." Bella tried to assure them.

"Didn't you know someone who turned into a...ow!" Jackson started to say as Ethan smacked him in the back of the head but it was too late. Jackson had already spoken.

Everyone turns to look towards Bella

"What is this he speaks of, Hale?" David demanded "Do you know something about the rogues?"

"No!" Bella said loudly "He wasn't even referring to the rogues."

"Then what was it!?"

Bella sighed and looked down at her hands "I know someone who became a deformed wolf. But that was years ago, back in Beacon Hills. No connection to what's happening here!"

"Who was this wolf?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"It does to me!" David's voice boomed

"Enough, dear." Elenor said as she placed a hand on David's arm, attempting to calm him.

Luke went in front of Bella "Look, if you know anything about deformed werewolves, now is the time to tell us."

"I can assure you that I know nothing!" Bella defended, trying not to lose her anger "Whatever is happening here is nothing like what happened back at home. The deformed I knew wasn't a part of this! He became deformed because of something horrible that happened! I knew one! One deformed werewolf and that was it! It's like you said, the wolf loses touch with humanity after a traumatic event and that is what had happened. That's all you need to know!"

"You're not gonna tell us who it was?" Luke questioned once more.

Bella glares at Luke. Luke looked into her steel blue eyes and could tell that there was a story behind them.

Bella knew that she wouldn't betray Peter like that. And she hated telling this story. It was one of the things from her past that she had hated. After all, Peter wasn't that wolf anymore. He wasn't an Alpha and he wasn't deformed. What Peter became is what got him killed by Derek in the first place. Since his resurrection, no one talks about it anymore but watching Peter die in front of her still haunts Bella. She still fears losing him again. From losing him to the coma for six years after fire, being killed by Derek and being placed in Eichen, it all still traumatized her. 

Peter continues to be an omega to this day but most importantly, he was her father.

"That's my business." Bella says "Besides, it doesn't matter anymore.What you are dealing with is something else entirely. I promise you that."

Luke continued to look deep into her eyes but also listened to her heartbeat. He could not help it but he also knew that Bella's heartbeat didn't falter. No lies were detected. But Luke figured out one thing. The deformed alpha that Bella knew had to have been someone she knows or knew. It was obvious based on her reaction. Bella was trying to protect someone.

Luke nods and looks towards his father "Just let it go."

David grumbles and makes sure to promise that if Bella was hiding anything that was relevant to this, that there would be consequences. Bella glares at David and takes in his words. He didn't have to worry about that and would eventually regret his threat to her.

"Don't threaten me." Bella said slowly,  "You'll come to regret it."

David glares back at her before Ethan jumps in "Any idea where they're hiding now? If one of them showed up here, the rest can't be too far behind."

"There aren't any signs of the others." Elenor said "And unfortunately we cannot identify the rogue. His body rests at the bottom of the ocean."

"That couldn't be helped, mum." Luke walked over to her "It was nothing but the form of a monster when it perished."

"Why didn't the alpha turn back to its human form after Luke killed it?" Bella questioned "It was dying, it should have at least reverted to its old self."

"But it didn't." Luke said "It stayed the monster it was."

But Peter didn't. Before Derek killed Peter, he had turned from the deformed alpha to his human form as he lay on the ground, severely burned all over his body thanks to Stiles' molotov cocktail. If Peter was able to turn back before he met his brief demise by Derek, why didn't the rogue turn back?

Bella was confused and in awe at the same time. There's so much about the supernatural world that she's yet to know or discover. She thought she knew the majority of the world but clearly, she was wrong. There was so much more, not just what she learned back in Beacon Hills. Every country is different. There are different beings all over. There are stories that are quite different from what she knew of. In a matter of a few years, she's learned about different varieties of Banshees that aren't like Lydia, other Werewolf packs and Rogues.

For a decade; Bella has dealt with hunters, werewolves, Banshees, Kitsune, Nogitsune, Druids, Dread Doctors. She can now add Soulmates to the list. The Soulmates thing is what is terrifying her. Because of this, she is supposedly bound to one person forever. Bella hated that.

It makes her wonder just what else is out there. She had so many questions. Did she want to know the answers to those questions? Why was she scared to know more?

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