CHAPTER 14: Anna

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Dawn arose fast. No one slept that night. Bella was ferociously anxious. The anxiety made her nauseous. Derek had spent most of the night doing research while Peter still remained tied up as a precaution. Peter, of course, was agitated about it. The grunts were easily heard throughout the cottage as he attempted to get himself free.

By eight in the morning, they can hear what sounds like cars coming down the road, which is at least a minute away. Bella and Derek look at each other before going for the door.

"They're here." Derek cocked his head to the side.

Bella took a deep breath as she opened her front door. After thirty seconds, she could see the cars coming down the road. She would recognize Ethan's car anywhere, the other car was unknown. By the time Bella reached the bottom of the front steps, the two cars were in front of the cottage. Ethan and Jackson eagerly get out of the car while the other person gets out of theirs.Bella immediately recognized the member of the Denbigh pack, having met her before.

"Anna." Bella greeted

"Hale." Anna greeted back

"Thanks for coming. Ethan said you know a thing or two about the Banshees of Europe?"

Anna sighs "Unfortunately, I do."

"Did Ethan tell you what happened?" Bella asked

"Yes. And I am here to assist in any way I can." Anna then glares over towards Derek.

"This is my cousin, Derek Hale." Bella said as she turned towards her cousin. "Derek, meet Anna. She's a member of one of the other packs here."

"I wasn't aware that you knew of any other packs." Derek stated, crossing his arms

"I don't." Bella stated "Only met them once, courtesy of Ethan and Jackson."

Just then, growling was heard from inside the cottage. Everyone turned towards the sound.

"Your old man?" Anna asked in regards to the growling that was heard.

"Yup." Bella said, popping the P.

"You make that sound like it's a bad thing."

"Well, it wasn't until recently." Bella admitted.

Anna nods.  "But whether or not we can trust one another is a whole other thing. But if you are dealing with what I think you're dealing with, you're gonna need my help."

"What do you mean by that?" Derek asked

Anna stood up straight, arms crossed "The banshee you're dealing with may have been similar to one I have dealt with before. If it is, then we're not dealing with any ordinary Banshee. Not like this Lydia you know, who is more human for a Banshee."

"Human?" Bella questioned

"Your friend has a different ability for someone who is a Banshee. Banshees are usually a human woman with the ability to access the supernatural and are a harbinger of death." Anna explained "They are known as the Wailing Woman. A banshee experiences premonitions of one's impending death. Their predictions appear to them as causal factors of near- or affirmative death experiences. A banshee's predictions are not set in stone and do not always come true. Where the Banshee we have here, is a different sort of Banshee. One that is far more dangerous."

"Like with the ability to possess another being using a hypnotic voice?" Derek asked

"Precisely. When you hear the word Banshee around these parts, you might picture a floating, wailing, eerie-looking female spirit that haunts people to death.There have been various interpretations of banshees throughout the years. Therefore, it can be challenging to find the roots in which the tale of the Banshee lies. Is it a ghost? A fairy? A demon? Are there friendly banshees? What exactly is a banshee?"

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