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"You know you want to hurt him back for he has hurt you." A raspy voice boomed in the room.

The sudden voice startled Bella and dropped the bear, unleashing her claws. She looks around the room, only to see no one in sight.

"More than once has he broken your heart and broken your trust." The voice continued "He doesn't want you out of his sight for he wants his beloved daughter by his side forever. Afraid to lose you, yes. Don't trust you, no. He is willing to drag you back to the one place that ruined you. The one place that destroyed your family! He does not care."

"Shut up!" Bella growled

"You know it to be true, child!" The voice argued "He only cares for himself. You are not just his daughter. You are his property!"

"Stop it!" Bella clutches her head in an attempt to stop hearing the voice.

"If he truly loved you, he'd listen to you. Let you live your own way."

"He's stubborn!" Bella called out

"Poor excuse!" the voice snarled "You have the voice of reason. He does not! But, if you were to put an end to it, it would all be over"

"I won't hurt him!"

"But you allowed him to hurt you!"

"That was you! You possessed him!

"More than once has he hurt you. Broken promises."

"That's nothing!"

"Oh but it is something!" the voice said cheerfully "Deep inside, it caused you great pain. Working with your enemy. The asylum. Sending you away. Making promises he could never keep. And now! He wants you by his side forever!"

"He didn't try to kill me or deliberately hurt me!"

"But he did try!"

"No! I know him." Bella shook her head as she sensed the room "I know him well enough that he would die for me. Maybe things aren't always perfect. But we had each other. Our little family. But you wouldn't understand as you didn't have one, did you?"

The voice snarled loudly as a shadow moved around the room. When Bella moved with the shadow, she caught sight of a photo frame on the dresser of what looked like a photo of a happy family. The frame was shattered but she could still see the photo through the shattered glass and dust. It had a mother, father, a teenage boy and a teenage girl. The girl in the photo had red hair.

"Your family was broken apart too, wasn't it?" Bella said "Something similar happened to you and now, you're taking it out on other people's lives by making what happened to you happen to them!  You are making other people's lives miserable. You're the one trying to ruin lives! Your little game? It won't work. We will stop you!"

"You are blinded by your love for your father!"

"Even when I hate him, he's still my dad and I love him regardless." Bella stated "But you will never understand that. You know why? Because you are afraid!"

And just like that, the shadow lunges itself at Bella, pressing her against the wall, throwing down a broken mirror in the process, making it shatter on the ground.

From downstairs, Peter hears the commotion and dashes for the stairs. But when he reached a certain step going upstairs, the broken stairs gave out and he fell through the wooden steps, landing in another room on the lower floor, while the debris fell on top of him, knocking him unconscious.

"I am not afraid!" the shadow grasped a hand around Bella's throat.

Bella got a good look at the being in front of her as she struggled. This Banshee was nothing like Lydia. She was older. Thirties maybe. Sported torn clothes and had messy dark red hair with silver streaks. Her eyes are a dark gray with bags underneath and her teeth are rotten.

"You are." Bella gasped "Because you are the one who killed them."

The woman's eyes narrowed at Bella as she tightened her grip. Bella gasped as she struggled to breath. And in doing so, she grasped the woman's hand and dug her claws into them, pushing the woman away.

Downstairs in the lower part of the house, Peter regained consciousness and groaned in pain as he attempted to get the debris off of him. Once he did, he felt something searing through his leg, holding him down. He looked down and saw a large wood shaving that had pierced right through his leg.

"Dammit!" Peter groaned as he attempted to sit up to position himself to try and remove the lumbar. The shaving was the size of a metal rod. Peter could easily remove it but he would be in a lot of pain doing so and he was losing blood fast. He of course had taken matters into his own hands many times, healing himself while injured. It wasn't the easiest to do alone but he had no choice.

Peter took several deep breaths in preparation as he placed his hands on the object. He was going to hate this.

"Peter! Bella!" A voice cried out. It was Derek

Peter sighed in relief and called out for his nephew "Derek, down here!"

Running footsteps were heard above and Peter saw Derek peeking through the hole from the stairwell.

"You alright?" Derek cried

"What does it look like, Derek!?" Peter cried out in frustration

Derek climbed down. It was a good twenty feet down. When Derek landed in front of his uncle, he wasn't surprised to see the piece of lumbar pierced right through Peter's leg.

"Looks like you've got yourself in a bit of a situation here." Derek smirked

"Just shut up and help me!" Peter growled

Derek got into position and was ready to pull the wood shaving out. "This is gonna hurt."

"Just do it!"

Derek, without hesitation, pulled the lumbar out as Peter screamed in pain. Derek managed to pull it out but Peter had yet to begin to heal. Derek ripped the sleeve of his shirt and wrapped it around Peter's leg.

"Alright down there, mate!" Anna called down

"We're fine!" Derek looks back down to Peter "You'll be fine. Just a flesh wound."

Peter looked down to his right and caught a hint of a familiar scent.

"You smell that?" Peter asked

Derek looked up and took in the scent. He could smell it too. Derek helped Peter to his feet. Peter held on to a beam for support as Derek looked on ahead. The scent was stronger and fairly familiar. The scent of decay. Derek had a feeling that he wasn't going to like what he was going to find. Around the corner, the scent got stronger. It had Derek sick to his stomach. As Derek looked on ahead, he didn't like what he saw.

Derek pulled back and went back to his uncle. "Where's Bella?"

"I don't know. She went upstairs! I heard something. When I went up after her, I fell down here."

"Anna!" Derek called up "Find Bella, now!"

Peter looked at Derek worriedly "Derek, what is it? What did you find?"

Derek looked Peter right in the eyes "Bones. Human bones."

Bella Hale: An American Werewolf in London-A Teen Wolf FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now