Keeping That Idiot Bestie Safe. [Short :'D]

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"WHAT?!" I shouted again, looking out of the window in our room.

"Why is she here?!"

"I don't know!"

"We need to keep her from getting too close, or she'll die like how she did in my dream!"

"How many weird dreams do you have..."

"A lot, now you go, and I'll get dressed and meet you out there!"

"There's no fucking time, dipshit! She'll probably only listen to you!"

I thought about it for a second before nodding, and running out of our room, almost falling down the stairs again in the process.

We had gotten a couple of weird looks, but thankfully no one stopped us as we ran outside and tried to find my idiotic best friend.

Soon we found her hiding out behind a tree and we tried to decide what to do.

"Ash, I finally found you!" She smiled, and I just looked at her while trying not to cry.

"Gloria, what on earth are you doing here?" I asked quickly, trying to grab her arm.

She swiped her arm away and patted me on the head.

"You weren't answering your phone, so I decided to come looking for you." She grinned, holding my hands.

"Also, you left me in the park, who does that to a friend?" She sneered, letting go of my hands and crossing her arms.

"I couldn't just drop you off at your front door, knock on it, and go 'Hi Karen, I might've accidentally made your daughter pass out, also, I'm not dead! Surprise!'" I argued, before looking to Toby for help.

"What do you expect me to do?! We also need to get her the hell out of here, she's in a stupid amount of danger just by being here." He shot, and Gloria scoffed.

"Danger? Please, with my bestie here, I'm completely safe! Right, Ash?" She disagreed, holding onto my arm just a bit too tight.

"One, please stop calling me Ash, I'm Black Heart now, and two, even with me here, you are in danger." I replied, gently pulling her off of my arm.

"What do you mean?" She asked, tilting her head a bit.

"If I have to explain this one more time... Okay, I can't get into specifics, but I live here, I live with killers, and they do a damn good job at that, and if they catch you here, you'll be dead in probably less than ten seconds, so we need to get you out of here, and fast." I explained, slowly trying to push her farther from the mansion.

"For fucks sake, let's just pick her up, drop her off near her house, and call it a day!" Toby harshed, coming closer to us, more specifically Gloria.

"If you touch her, my knife will be on your throat, I promise you that." I warned, glaring at him, and starting to cover Gloria.

As soon as he opened his mouth to argue with me, we heard the mansion doors open, and someone step outside.

"Black Heart? Toby?? Are you two out here?" We heard Clockwork's familiar voice, and we both instantly started to panic.

We both knew, if anyone were to even see her, she'd be dead.

So we had to think fast.

"Okay Toby, we're going with your idea, grab her legs, I've got her arms, lift and run bitch!" I whispered to him quickly, and he nodded and scooped up Glo's legs, and I whispered to her.

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