Hanging Out In Another Universe Can Be Kinda Fun?

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I have no clue how I got to this point.

I just wanted my parents to accept me, and somehow I'm in another universe playing Monopoly with another version of me and other versions of the family I've come to know?

It had officially been around a day that we'd been stuck here in Luna's universe while their Slender was working on another portal back to mine and Toby's universe, and after a lot of convincing on their part, me and Toby decided to make the most of it.

So here we were, sitting on the floor of the kitchen, why didn't we use the table?, playing a game of Monopoly.

The people in our group were me, Toby, other Toby, Luna, other Ben, other Liu, other Bloody Painter, and other Masky.

"I know you're hiding the damn money, you fucking banana nut!" Luna cursed as they slammed their hands onto the tiled floor, staring daggers into the other Liu.

He just glared back at Luna, and it was soon clear that it was not Liu, and this bitch was fucking around.

Eventually, it finally got to my turn, and as soon as I rolled I knew damn well that I was going to get onto the one property I wanted, the issue? Luna also wanted it.

So I peered over the board, pretending to think about my decision for a moment before slamming down my money.


"Oh, you BITCH-"

And they were throwing the board directly at me with an inhuman speed.

Then came them and their knife that I didn't want to know where it came from, and my box cutter was in their face as we started to brawl, in the fucking kitchen.

I could only assume that people were either rooting for me or Luna as the two Toby's tried to pull us off of each other.

"Yeah, use that Proxy strength bitch! Harness that energy!!" Luna screeched as I could feel the familiar vibration of what I now came to know as strange power.

And it took maybe less than fifteen seconds before Luna was halfway across the room flying backward onto the table, knocking over and off any plates and silverware that were previously on it.

They didn't seem too phased by it, however, as they sat up and raised their arms, a large resounding 'yes' filling the room.

As I felt myself come down from the rush, I stood and nearly sprinted over to them.

"Are you good?! What was that??" I questioned, helping them off of the table as they chuckled.

"Riiiight, you're new to this." They smiled, patting me on the head, to which I whacked their hand away.

"This is all too confusing..." I muttered, and Luna looked at me with a sympathetic expression on their face.

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