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      "Had to have high, high hopes for a living

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      "Had to have high, high hopes for a living. Didn't know how, but I always had a feeling. "-Panic! at the Disco

The next day was getting off to a rather bad start. Emilia woke early. Too early. The excitement of starting term kept sleep short. Though she was okay with it. Plenty of time to get in an early breakfast and take a stroll of the green houses. She loved the plants. The beauty of nature always captivated her.

So, off she went. Quickly dressing and bushing her dark red hair. She looked in the mirror as she brushed, taking in how longer her hair had gotten over the summer.

I wonder if Sebastian likes it long.

Blushing to herself, she shook her head. What a silly thought.

She put her hair into a high ponytail and adjusted her robes straight. With a small smile at her work, she picked up her bag and left the common room. There were a few students up and about, though most were still snug in their beds. The halls echoed as she walked, a reminder of how early it was. Once entering the Great Hall she noticed that the sun must be shining brightly this lovely morning and decided to have her breakfast in the courtyard. Picking up a napkin and placing a few items inside, she made her way out the doors, taking in the warmth of sunlight hitting her lightly tanned skin.

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice the familiar brown haired boy she walked right past on her way to the stairs. He watched her as she stood in the doorway, the sun making her skin appear to glow.


She will be the death of me

As the door closed behind her he shook his head, smiling to himself, "How can someone be up this early and look that perfect," He whispered.

"What was that?" Ominis said, walking up to stand next to him, "What are you just standing here for?"

He ran his hand through his hair, "Nothing. Just can't believe anyone would want to be up this early. Come on, lets get something to eat."


Emilia walked the halls on the way to her first class of the day, Potions. She wasn't great at them, and Professor Sharp knew that. Hopefully she could have a peaceful class, Garreth Weasley free. Not that she didn't think of him as a friend, but he really did know how to mess up a potion in the name of 'research'.

Walking into the dim class room, she sighed to herself. Garreth sat at a table with Natty. She didn't know many others in the room, so she took a seat at the table with them.

"Good morning, Emilia," Natty smiled at her.

She smiled back, "Good morning. Hey, are you free after this class? I need to talk with you."

"No good morning for your good friend I see," Garreth shook his head.

Rolling her eyes, and smiling at his fake hurt, she turned to him, "And good morning to you too. You big lout."

Further joking, Garreth scoffed and laughed, getting his books ready.

Natty giggled, "Yes, I have a little free time after. What did you need to speak about?"

"I just-" Before she could finish, the boy himself walked in, Ominis behind him. Her breath caught as Sebastian stood in the doorway. She couldn't just expect them not to have any classes together. She managed a smile at him as their eyes met. Cool blue and deep brown. He smiled about as big as she had ever seen him, almost tripping over Ominis as he made his way past Sebastian.

She giggled, covering her mouth with her hand, and watched as he grew a light shade of red. He collected himself and went to sit beside his best friend.

Class went pretty smoothly, Professor Sharp took it easy on them, it being the first day of the term and all. She kept looking over Natty's shoulder at Sebastian. He seemed concentrated on his note taking. Somewhat unlike him, usually he wouldn't be so intent on taking notes so soon in the term. After everyone was dismissed, Emilia quickly began packing her things so she could get as much time with Natty as she could. While she was bent over putting her books away in her bag, she felt someone stand over her.

Standing she came face to face with Sebastian. Well, more face to chest. He really had gotten taller.

"Can I help you, sir?" She looked up at him

"Why yes, I do believe I have to speak with you," He smiled down at her.

"Well you will have to make an appointment. I have a previous engagement. Does lunch fit into your schedule?"

He pouted and crossed his arms, "I suppose it will do. I will hold you to this. Don't go skipping out on me."

He really was unbearable sometimes. Shaking her head with a smile she held out her pinky. He smiled and gladly took it, "You know a pinky promise is unbreakable. And I accept."

She grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder, and patted his chest, "Good. I shall see you later then." And with that her and Natty walked out of class together. Sebastian watching Emilia walk out of the room. He finally took a breath.

"What has gotten into him? Natty asked as we made our way through the halls.

"I don't know. But he is our topic of conversation. I've been having an....issue. I catch myself thinking about him a lot. And on top of that, just looking at him gives me anxiety. I feel it in my stomach, like fluttering. I don't know what is going on. And before you ask, no I don't like him. We've been friends for years. I can't," Emilia sighed, looking to her friend.

Natty looked back at her and started laughing. "What's so funny?" Emilia said.

"You have the worst case of denial I've ever seen. I suggest a nice date in Hogsmeade to clear it up."

"You are no help. And even if I did like him, he doesn't like me like that. So that still isn't helpful."

"You really are oblivious," Natty shook her head in disbelief, "I don't have anything else to tell you. You can take my advice or not. I do however have another class to get too. I will see you later."

She sighed to herself. Did she really like her best friend? They have been close since their first year, there's no way. Was there? And Natty thought he like liked her? How ridiculous. Sebastian just played around like that sometimes, right?

What have you gotten me into, Sebastian Sallow?

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