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"Emilia, wake up."

What in the bloody hell.

​​​​​​​Emilia opened her eyes to probably the brightest light she had ever seen. The room felt like it was spinning and her head was pounding.

What on earth did Garreth put in that caldron?

​​​​​​​She sat up from her place on the couch. She was still in the common room. Natty had woken her, she assumed as she saw the woman leaning over the back of the couch she was sitting on.

"Good, you're up. I would get Sebastian up and start cleaning this up before one of the Professors finds out."

She took a look around the room with squinted eyes. There were a lot of people still in the common room and a good amount of them were not Gryffindor. Natty was a life saver. She turned to thank her, but she had already made her way to the stairs. She assumed she was probably going to get into her own bed.

She swung her legs over to stand and felt a very squishy something beneath her feet.

The thing groaned and shot up. Sebastian. He had slept on the floor. That couldn't have been comfortable.

"Sorry!" She stepped over him as she stood and helped pull him to his feet.

He chuckled a little and shook his head, "It's alright. Not exactly the nicest way to wake up, but not terrible."

She smiled as she took him in. He was still in his school clothes. Well somewhat. He had taken his vest and jacket off the night before. His shirt was unbuttoned enough for her to be able to see part of his chest peaking out. She wanted to slide her hand into the opening and feel the warmth of his skin under her palm. Then she remembered.

"Kiss me."

​​​​​​​She remembered how she had been holding back the whole night. How he stood by her side just looking so bloody good. The taste of him as they kissed.

Snap out of it. There are more important matters at hand.

​​​​​​​"We need to get everyone up and out of here. One of the Professors could be here any moment. Who knows what people got told. It's probably half way around the school at this point."

He nodded and they got to work. They got everyone up and began getting rid of any evidence. They kept looking at each other as they went. No words were said, but she knew what he was thinking about. It was the same thing she was thinking about.

Of course she had to feel so confident about the whole thing when she wasn't sober. She remembered that she even thought about more than kissing. She was just lucky that Sebastian was smart enough to realize and stop before it went too far. Well, her kissing him in the first place was too far, but the point stands.

And even after all of that, she wanted to kiss him again. She wanted to feel his hands on her body again. She wanted to smell the pine and cedar that she had associated him with. She wanted him. She didn't have time for a romantic relationship though. She had so many things on her plate. He must have his own plans after school. They probably wouldn't even get to see each other very much, at least at first. She needed to talk to him about it.

We can't go around snogging when we reach the breaking point. That isn't healthy.​​​​​​​

They finally got the common room cleaned up and got out of there before Professor Weasley decided to check in on the students. She was just glad that her birthday was on a Friday. She needed the weekend to recoup.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ