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"C'mon, make it easy, say I never mattered. Run it up the flag pole. We will teach you how to make boys next door out of assholes"-Fall Out Boy

The sound of music filled the air, echoing off the stone walls. The decorations looked wonderful. Jack-O-Lanterns floating among the candles and the image of a full moon in a cloudless sky hung above. The twinkling of the stars was beautiful. Emilia's attention was brought to the far end of the large space as she watched the sea of dancing students. She saw many faces she hadn't before. The other schools, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, had arrived earlier in the day. It was interesting watching everyone. She enjoyed sitting and watching others as they went about. It was soothing to see others milling about their day.

The group of girls made their ways around to talk with friends. Emilia simply took a seat at one of the empty tables. She had half a mind to stay there all night. That would keep her from having to witness the disgusting antics of Adelaide Oaks. She sighed, her mind wandering back to the one person she wanted to avoid. Sebastian, hopefully, would be preoccupied and not even see her, if she could avoid it.

The music filling the room changed to be more slow and calm. A good couples dance. She smiled at her friends who seemed to have found someone to dance with. Natty had found a handsome Ravenclaw boy she didn't know, but had seen. He was a seventh year. Poppy with Garreth Weasley of all people, and she saw Imelda was with a Durmstrang boy. He had a good smile and was acting like a proper gentleman.

"May I have this dance?" She heard a strong accent in his voice. Turning to look at the very tall Durmstrang boy who had his hand extended as he made a bow. He was very handsome, if she did say so herself. his short dark hair sitting perfectly on his head. He had sharp angles to his bone structure. And his green eyes were piercing.

"Oh, of course," She smiled, taking his hand and standing. Why shouldn't she have fun while she was there? He lead her to the dance floor. He smelled nice too.

"You seem to be by yourself? I don't want to make your boyfriend jealous," He smirked down at her as he put his hand on her waist to begin their dance.

She giggled lightly, "No boyfriend. I'm Emilia, by the way."

"Jan Karlson. It is very nice to meet you, Emilia. I'm surprised to see such a beautiful woman by herself."

She smiled at the compliment, "Thank you. I did have a date, but it fell through. That's okay though, I enjoy dancing by myself just as well."

"Well he is a blind man, as well as deaf, if he squandered the opportunity to have you on his arm. You have an angelic quality to your voice. And you seem very nice company as well." He said as he spun her around before pulling her close as they continued their dance.

He was dangerously smooth.

She blushed lightly at his words, enjoying the attention. It wasn't wrong to want have a mans attention. It felt nice to feel wanted like that.

She saw a hand tap Jan on the shoulder. Her eyes traveled up to see Sebastian Standing there.

Why can't he let me have fun.

"Excuse me, sir, but may I cut in?" Sebastian said.

Jan looked down at her and she nodded. He bowed to her, "Perhaps we can pick this up later, Emilia. I look forward to seeing you soon." He smiled at her before bowing to Sebastian and walking away.

Sebastian returned his bow and walked up to Emilia taking her hand and waist. The feeling of his hands on her made her feel warm.

"What are you doing? I was fine!" She whisper yelled at him.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Where stories live. Discover now