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"Sebastian Sallow, you are going to sit for this picture and you are going to like it!"

Emilia was pulling a very grumpy Sebastian through the throngs of people by his loose tie. Despite Christmas only just happening, there seemed to be more shopping than normal. Sebastian was never one for pictures. He hated having to sit for the things. Emilia, on the other hand, loved to get as many pictures as she could. She hoped that one day cameras would be accessible to the public. They were awfully large and complicated. Even the Wizarding kind.

"Fine, but would you stop pulling me around like you're my mother?"

She blushed out of embarrassment and dropped her hand.

You are acting like a child, though.

​​​​​​​He slid his hand into hers, "Now, where is this forsaken place?"

She shook her head with a smile, "This way, mister grumpy pants."

There was a Wizarding photographer in Hogsmeade for the day. The train had to make a stop on the way to London and one of the shop keepers gladly let him set up in a corner of their shop. The perfect time to get a picture to fill her locket.

They turned a corner and saw a floating sign whirling around on its own.

Wizarding Photographs.

Today only.

5 Sickles.

​​​​​​​Emilia pulled Sebastian through the open door. There was a nice little family getting their picture taken. They were sat in the corner behind a large camera sitting on three long legs. There was a bright flash and some smoke began wafting into the rest of the building. The family stood and paid the man who took their picture.

"The image will be developed in an hour. Come back then to collect it," The man said.

He then walked over to Emilia and Sebastian and smiled, "Are you here for a picture?"

Emilia nodded, "Yes, please."

They walked to stand in font of the camera as the man adjusted his equipment. Sebastian was so much taller than her that he had to sit on a stool so they would both fit in the image. She grinned as he swiveled back and forth on the rotating seat as he waited. They might be close to graduation, but he still acted like his same goofy self. His goofiness was always something that attracted her to him. He knew how to make her laugh, and watching him compete with Garreth on who could be the most silly was endearing.

"Alright, here we go."





​​​​​​​As the camera went off, Sebastian hooked her waist with his arm and pulled her into his lap and slid his free hand to caress her jaw. She could feel his fingers pressing against her skin behind her ear. He then proceeded to kiss her. The kiss was sweet and kind. They had shared little kisses like that before, usually before a class, but usually when he kissed her it was desperate and hungry. He hadn't given her a single taste of those kisses since they got back from Feldcroft. She missed them. She missed his lips on her skin and the feeling of his hands exploring her body.

The kiss was quick and after he pulled away he looked at her, searching her face with desire behind his eyes. That look always made her melt. His eyes would often times let on to more of what he was thinking than he would like, and she had gotten very good at reading those emotions over the years. She hadn't told him as much, having that in her arsenal was very helpful at times.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن