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Using the flue powder network was the quickest and easiest way to get four people to the same destination. Everyone had a bag in tow for the two week reprieve from the castle. It was strange, the lone Gryffindor with her three Slytherin traveling companions.

No one wore their school clothes. There was no need, seeing as the holiday break had started and they were about to show up in Feldcroft. But they did, however, all have their school robes hung around them. The flue network was notorious for leaving a person covered head to toe in soot and no one wanted it on their clothes.

"Shall we?" Emilia said as they all huddled around the oxidized green metal that held the likeness of everyone's least favorite person.

"Off on another adventure?"

"Hurry up before she can say anything else," Sebastian said.

Emilia chuckled, she didn't find the woman's voice that bad. Maybe that was just her.

"Can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flue powder."

"I wish I was deaf as well as blind, right now."

"Alright, Godric's Heart, you lot are so sensitive," Emilia said as she shot Ominis a death stare that he wouldn't see.

"I don't appreciate your glare," Ominis said.

How did he do that. She didn't bother asking, just took the flue powder and tossed it to the ground, clearly announcing her desired destination.

The crisp air hit her face and she found herself standing in a fresh layer of snow. It was quiet and the snow made sound feel muffled around her. She smiled as she took in the wonderful landscape in front of her. That part of the valley was always one of her favorites.

After a moment the others joined her. They all had black smeared on their faces and robes in differing degrees. The soot was all over her hands, Ominis had a good bit on his cheeks, and Anne had a nice streak on the bridge of her nose trailing down to her jaw. Sebastian's hair had a light coating. He looked like he had gotten it the worst. She took her hand and slid it into his hair, shaking it lightly to remove the dirt. She had to reach on her toes.

"Thanks, love," He beamed back at her.

She freely smiled at him as she brushed the excess off her hands and on her robes.

"I wish there was a better way. I hate how messy the whole thing is," Anne announced as she tried to use the edge of her robes to wipe her face.

She noticed that it was just smearing into a larger spot on her face, but she didn't say anything. Best to let her think it's helping.

She hadn't seen the siblings uncle in some time. Not since that night in the catacombs to be exact, and she wasn't sure how things would go. She hoped that it wouldn't be awkward.

Sebastian slid his hand into hers, interlocking their fingers. She felt the warmth of his skin on hers. She could feel it radiating through her body, warming her from the inside. His hand was rough and calloused, probably from all of the practice with booms and wands. She didn't mind, though. She loved the sensation of electricity as they touched.

The crunching snow was the only sound the passed between them as they made there way to the Sallow home. Anne and Ominis walked into the house first. Sebastian motioned her to go ahead of him, to which she obliged. She felt the warmth of the fireplace before she could even pass the threshold. Smells of sweets and nutmeg were tumbling around her nose. The doorway had a beautiful pine garland outlining the frame.

As she entered she noticed the Christmas tree first. It was hard to miss with all of the bulbs and tinsel. There was an array of presents under it, carefully tucked into their places. The room felt like it extruded light. There were enough stockings for all of them, including Emilia. How did Sebastian managed to get word back home so quickly? She smiled at that thought. He always thought of her.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt