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Walking into the class room, Emilia tried hard not to blush thinking about the incident. That is its name. Now and forever. That's what he gets for deciding that right before class would be the best time to try and snog. She felt Sebastian's hand graze her own as he walked by, sending a chill down her spine. Who knew such a small touch could be electrifying? He looked down at her in passing, flashing his signature smirk and walked to the other side of the room to stand by Imelda Reyes and some other Slytherin girl he didn't know.

Imelda was always snide with Emilia, though this year, so far anyway, she hadn't been as rude. So far.

Professor Hecat entered the room from her office and greeted the class, "Good morning, everyone. I trust you all had a good summer. And hopefully time to practice what he learned last year. I would like to see what the class strengths and weaknesses are to gauge what we should be working on most. We will be pairing off to duel today."

Emilia couldn't help but smile. Just as she hoped. She would show Sebastian that she was not going to let him live his comments down. "I will be making pairs. I would like to see Thakkar and Reyes, Onai and Clopton, Findley and Sallow-"

I'm sorry, what? No no, that's not allowed.

She looked over at Sebastian to see he was already looking at her. Their eyes locked in what could only be described as best friends knowing each other.

He raised an eye brow at her-Well this is an interesting turn of events, ins't it?

She rolled her eyes back-Don't think I won't lay you out.

He smirked back at her with a devilish glint to his eyes-I would love to see you try.

Before she could roll her eyes harder, she was brought back to the Professor, "Findley and Sallow. You first." She sighed. Well, good to get it out of the way now.

They both took their places at either end of the dueling platform. Taking deep breaths, trying to empty her head, she got into her stance.

I am going to knock you on your ass, Sallow.​​​​​​​

Sebastian was already in his own stance. He really did look good.

Stop that. Empty. In the void.

​​​​​​​"You may begin," Professor Hecat said.

Before she even finished her sentence, Emilia gave a quick flick of her wand, "Levioso!"

"Protego!" He blocked the attack and waved his own spell, "Flipendo!"

She was almost caught off guard and dodged the attack.

Don't slip up.

​​​​​​​She looked up to see him with that big egotistical smirk he always had when he thought he was going to get what he wanted. She was not going to let him have this. He would hold it over her for the rest of the year, if not longer.

While he was still admiring his handy work, she quickly fired as she rolled out of her dodge, "Depulso! Stupefy!"

Before he knew it, he had been knocked off the platform and had the wind knocked out if him. He stayed laying on the ground with a small groan. She smiled triumphantly and walked over to look down at him from the platform, "And what was that about me 'falling on my Gryffindor ass', Sallow?"

He looked up at her in awe. The admiration from before in his eyes again as he looked up from that dusty, stone floor. But it was slightly different. She wasn't sure what made it different, but it was something.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Where stories live. Discover now