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The morning was misty and a cool breeze made its way across the valley, the grass bending to its will and mimicking the waves of the ocean. The bite of the cold reminded Emilia that soon there would be snow. And with the snow would come the Christmas holiday. And that meant time away from Sebastian. He would be going back to see Anne over break and she her parents. She did miss her parents, but whatever she had with Sebastian was new and she didn't want to have to go without seeing him at all for weeks. And on that topic, she wasn't sure what was going on between them. Late night rendezvous in the halls and steamy sessions in the hidden rooms of the massive school. They had expressed their feelings for each other, but they didn't really walk the halls on display. They hadn't been on a proper date or even talked about it. It was strange and undefined. That's what lead her to the early morning walk around the castle grounds. So many thoughts and the peace of the morning was just what she needed.

She couldn't help but keep thinking about how he had kissed her that night during the ball. How he had gotten jealous. He was cute when he was jealous. Of course he had to 'save' her from such a terrible night. She laughed to herself at the thought. He had her against that wall and he sent new emotions flowing through her that she didn't even know she possessed. Almost hungry for him. To feel his skin on hers. She really thought about taking his clothes off. And of course she couldn't do that. She was a lady after all. And a young one at that. She shook her head, of course she couldn't just do that. Not yet anyway.

She looked around, taking in the beauty of the land before her. It was her home and she wasn't ready to leave in a mere year and a half. Before long, a tawny owl flew into her view and dropped a letter at her feet. She smiled, knowing who the owl belonged to and picked up the letter. She opened it with a swift motion and read the messy script. It always felt like it had it's own personality, which made sense knowing it's owner.


Meet me by the library tonight. Bring a sense of adventure and a kiss for me.


​​​​​​​She smiled to herself. It had been a long time since the two of them had done any sneaking around. She wasn't sure how discreet she would be that out of practice, but a chance to see Mr.Sallow was incentive enough.

The rest of the day flew by. She didn't have any classes with Sebastian and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad. She was nervous to be sneaking around, both from breaking rules and also because who knows what they could get up to in secluded part of the library at night.

She said good night to her fiends and laid in her bed. She had a change of clothes under her pillow and her wand at her side. She just needed to wait for them to all get to sleep. She listened to the bells tolling the hours and when they finally tolled midnight, she carefully got out of her bed and changed into her clothes. She wrapped her cloak around her shoulders and went to leave the room.

"Em?" She heard Natty's voice whisper behind her.


​​​​​​​She turned to see her friend sitting up at the edge of her bed, "Hey, Natty. What can I do for you?" Whispered, trying to play it off.

"You wouldn't be sneaking around in the middle of the night, would you?" She raised an eyebrow at Emilia. The moonlight coming in the window lit her face just enough to see the action.

She sighed and smiled at her friend. She knew her well. "Perhaps. Sebastian asked me to meet him."

"Well, are you going to keep him waiting?" Her friend smiled at her.

"You are a true friend, Natsai. I'll see you in the morning."

She left the common room without another interruption. Stalking the halls reminded her of all the times Sebastian and her had gone on little 'adventures' he always liked to call them. All of the years of being around him. He shared everything with her. Well, almost everything. She couldn't help but think of the time that they had almost been caught by one of the Slytherin Prefects as they suck around the dungeons their third year.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Where stories live. Discover now