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"Avada Kadavra!"

Emilia watched as an arc of green erupted from Sebastian's wand. She should have seen it coming. The look in his eyes as he dropped Rookwood's men one by one. As if he were swatting flies. He didn't flinch. Was this the man she loved? Or was it someone else? Maybe the Dark Arts did change him.

She had tried so hard to keep him off this path. To save him from himself. She thought he was past this. They were going to be happy together. A house full of his books and her potted plants. A house filled with laughter and joy. She saw that all slipping away as the life left Jessica Taylors eyes. Her future crumpled to the ground like her lifeless body.

As she watched on in horror, he slowly stood. A smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

He enjoyed it.

She couldn't help but hear that horrifying laughter from her nightmare over Christmas break. The sound of his voice echoing through her ears.

Sebastian began walking toward her, limping severely for a few steps before pulling a small potion vial out of his pocket. Wiggenweld.

​​​​​​​It took him a few moments after shooting the liquid down his throat for him to gain a more normal gate. Soon his cuts looked to be healing up as well.

He made his way over to her and quickly began untying her restrains. She was grateful to have movement of her limbs again. She sat up quickly undoing her gag and taking a deep breath, looking at the man who was so willing to kill for her. Did she want that? Someone who was so used to ending a life? She blinked forcefully a few times before meeting the gaze of the man she thought she knew. His eyes held nothing but soft and unfettering admiration.


"We can talk about it later. Right now, you need to get out of this place," He pushed some of her hair out of her face, letting his fingers brush against her skin.

She was still reeling from everything that had just happened, and without thought pulled away from his touch. His eyes left hers, but the look on his face said it all. He knew that he had made a bloody mess of things. They could sort that out later. Right in that moment, Emilia was freezing and bruised. She needed a warm bed and some food.

"Over here!" Someone yelled.

Quickly men and women began flooding the camp. They started checking the tents for others and securing the place like a fortress.

Soon enough, Officer Singer approached the two, who were still staring in awe.

"What happened here?" She said. Her voice was kind, though stiff. She wanted answers.

Emilia opened her mouth to speak, but Sebastian started first, "Well, it's-It's a long story. The gist of it is, Emilia here was taken. She had been gone for almost two days and no one was doing anything about it. So I-I came to find her."

The Auror looked at the pair with suspicion in her eyes, "I see. Well, we will have to talk more in detail about this. For now, though," Her face became more soft, "You two better get back to the castle and get some rest. We will be in touch for formal interviews. Someone will escort you back."

She gave a small smile to them before walking over to a small group of what Emilia thought must be other Aurors and spoke with them quietly. Two of them nodded and walked toward her and Sebastian.

A very tall and skinny man with glasses and a curly mustache, and a shorter and rounder man with a bowler hat.

"We are to escort you back to the school. If you are able, come with us," The bowler hat man said.

The trip was quick, they apparated to the outside of the school grounds, seeing as you can't apparate around Hogwarts. Ministry rules and all. They walked back into the school building followed by the two men.

They were told to head back to their common rooms, and they would get there. Eventually. Emilia needed to talk to Sebastian about what happened first. Emilia stopped in her tracks. Now was as good a time as any.

"Everything alright, darling?" Sebastian questioned, turning around to face her.

"No. We need to talk. I can't go to bed without having some kind of talk," She sighed.

He was quick to close the gap between them, "Of course. Maybe I could explain myself?"

She nodded sheepishly. She might be able to talk about what is bothering her if she hears his side of things first.

"I-I'm sorry. First and foremost. You should never have had to be in that situation," He held his hands up, inches from her face. He wanted to taker her face in his hands. Kiss her to reassure her that he was himself and he loved her. He thought about her flinching away from his touch earlier in the night. His hands didn't move as he continued, "I understand you probably don't think very great of me right now. I just need you to know that everything that happened tonight I did to save you. I would and will do anything for you. I...." He took a deep breath.

"I love you, Emilia."

His eyes held that emotion she had always had such trouble placing. Love.

Had he done it purely out of love? Nothing else? Nothing sinister? She thought about it, trying to see things from his shoes. She couldn't deny that she was very close to death. And Jessica wasn't exactly one of the good guys.

​​​​​​​He loved her. Her heart had skipped multiple beats at this point. She was surprised she hadn't had a heart attack.

And, as has happened many times before, her body betrayed her mind. Or was it her heart?

"I love you, too," She said.

They were so close that she could feel the heat coming off him. Feel his breath on her cheek.

His lips were quick to find hers. Moving expertly with her own. Every time they kissed she felt like she was going to burn up from the heat she felt in her chest. She couldn't help but melt into him as his arms slid down her body before encircling her, pulling her as close to his body as possible.

She still couldn't shake the feeling that this wouldn't be the end of it. The end of the Dark Arts. The thoughts clung to the back of her mind. For now, though, she could think about other things. Like the feeling of his lips on her neck or the sound of their quick breaths.


Author Note:

Sorry it's a little short. This is kind of a part two to the last chapter. 

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