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She adjusted her robes around her shoulders. The things were itchy beyond imagination. To think she would be waring these for the next seven years of her life. She hoped she got used to it.

Wandering the halls, she looked for her first Potions class. The castle was massive. How did anyone find their way in this place? And where were the other students and Professors? Someone has to be around the blasted place.

"Excuse me, do you need help?" She heard a voice call from down the corridor.

"Um, perhaps? You don't happen to know where I would find the Potions classroom, do you?" She asked sheepishly, turning to see who had spoken to her.

A boy about her age. Slytherin by his robes. He had a mop of brown hair, a face of freckles, and a sly grin on his face.

"As it happens, I do. My parents are professors here, so I would like to say I know the castle well. Would you like me to show you?" He said.

She nodded to him, "If you won't be late for your class. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble."

He let out a small laugh, "I like to pride myself on the about of trouble I can make. And, as it happens, I too have Potions this morning. My name's Sebastian. Sebastian Sallow." He beamed at her.

What an interesting boy to have stumbled upon this morning. She would have to keep an eye on him.

"Good morning, Em. Sleep well?" Sebastian asked as he took a seat next to her. Ominis sat to her other side, with his usual annoyed look. Sebastian must have been being a real prat already.

"Good morning, boys. What brings you to my corner of the hall this fine morning?"

"Oh you know, just making the rounds," Sebastian smiled at her, "Heard you were lonely this morning."

Ominis gaged, "Sebastian, don't be so obvious. I have to hear you talk about her all morning the least you could do is be a bit more discrete."

Sebastian flushed red from his friend's sudden, but inevitable betrayal and ran a hand through his hair, "Thanks, Ominis. So glad that you keep those things between us."

He did look rather pleasing when he did that.

She giggled and shook her head at the two. It was always funny to see Ominis push Sebastian's buttons.

"Sebastian, there you are!"

The three of them turned to see Adelaide Oaks rushing up to Sebastians side, wrapping her hands around his arm. He looked almost embarrassed.

"Have you gotten everything for the dance, tonight?" She said, looking up at him.

Gross. What in the world was happening?

"Oh, yes. I'm going to Hogsmeade this afternoon. I'll be ready, do you worry." He said looking down at her before quickly cutting a glance at Emilia.

She looked at the two of them, almost paralyzed from shock. Had she told him she needed time? Yes. Did she have any say in who he went to dances with? No. Was she hurt and angry anyway? Of course. What did he think he was playing at? Trying to make her jealous? Preposterous.

He's allowed to have any girl hanging off if him that he wants.

​​​​​​​She smiled at them, not at all envisioning Adelaide's untimely demise from a spare Chomping Cabbage that may or may not be in Emilia's bag right now. "Well, I have some catching up to do before class. Those two weeks really put a damper in my progress. I'll see you all tonight."

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Where stories live. Discover now