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The next few days were spent taking in the rest of their youth. They acted like children again. Though they weren't even eighteen, they had their youth stolen from them young. Everything that happened to them during fifth year had stolen a part of them, and they yearned for that piece that had been missing. They had snowball fights and played pranks on each other. The atmosphere had changed and shifted into something whimsical that only got more obvious as they approached Christmas. They had all opened one present each before bed, as was the Sallow tradition on Christmas Eve.

Anne went first and opened a lovely poetry book from her brother. Ominis opened a rather funny joke in the form of a pair of sun glasses from both Anne and Sebastian. They both thought it was hilarious.

"Very funny, you two," Ominis said. He was trying to hide his face, but the way his shoulders rose and fell just slightly gave away his laugh.

"Alright, your turn, darling," Sebastian smiled at her.

She stood from her spot on the floor with the others and looked for something with her name on it. There were actually a few little boxes with her name and two larger ones as well. She thought for a moment before pulling a small black box with green ribbon out from the back corner. She shook it lightly by her ear. Something small was rustling inside. She smiled and came back to sit in the circle between Sebastian and Ominis.

"Well? What is it?" Ominis asked.

"If you would wait a second, I would tell you," She replied.

She took her finger and looped it under the ribbon, pulling it off the box. She opened it slowly, peeking under the lid. A small metal heart with a chain sat in it. She ran her fingers over the face and smiled. It was beautiful with the ornate design carved into its surface.

"It opens," Sebastian murmured as she watched her. She could see him out of the corner of her eye admiring her, which made her blush lightly.

She opened the clasp to see a picture of her and Sebastian from their fourth year. It was right after he had won his first Quidditch game as Seeker. They both smiled at the camera. He had his arm around her waist and then she turned to kiss his cheek. He looked on, bewildered at the camera and then the picture reset.

She smiled even more than she had been before and looked up at him, "Thank you, Sebastian."

"Of course. And there's a spot for a new picture too, you can put whatever you want there," He smiled.

He helped her clasp the necklace around her neck before going to retrieve his own present. A medium sized one wrapped in tissue paper and string. Being Sebastian, he ripped the paper without thought to reveal a beautiful scarf in Slytherin colors. Anne had made it for him.

She was so excited for them to open the gifts she had gotten them. She had spent more time than she probably should worrying about getting the right thing for them.

She woke before anyone else the next morning, or at least she thought she did. Once she sat up in her bed, she noticed that Sebastian was already sitting at the table. She smiled and stood up, quiet not to wake the others.

"Good morning," She whispered as she made her way over to him.

He looked like he should still be sleeping. A yawn escaped his lips and he tried to rub some of the sleep from his eyes, "Mornin', darling."

He held his arms open for her and she gladly climbed into his lap. He arms rested lazily around her waist and she curled herself into his chest. She could hear his heart beat quicken as she got comfy. He always seemed to radiate heat, but that morning he felt like a furnace. She began to trace shapes on his arm with her thumb. She felt his muscles tense under her touch. She smirked to herself knowing she still could illicit such a response from him.

They sat there together, the sun barley peaking through the window and the sound of wood crackling in the fireplace. The sound of his breathing calmed her. He rested his chin on the top of her head. She could sit like that forever, just them as close as two bodies could be. Well, almost as close.

"Good morning, love birds," Anne called across the room as she stretched.

Emilia blushed. Anne had walked in on them once, but other than that she never really saw them being close other than hand holding. Sebastian shifted around her and picked his head up. He must have been thinking the same thing.

"I thought you were supposed to be getting your beauty sleep, last night?" Sebastian teased.

Anne scoffed and stuck her tongue out at him, but she couldn't hide her giggles. Emilia smiled at the banter between them. After everything that had happened with them over the years, she was glad they could act normal with each other.

Soon enough Ominis woke as well as Solomon. He seemed abnormally cheery, though perhaps that made sense seeing as it was Christmas, after all. They all took turns opening gifts. Ominis had gotten a set of braille books on some of the muggle classics they all had chipped in on. Anne had some magical item that Emilia hadn't heard of before and the had that Emilia had made her. Sebastian got a book on advanced spells that the others had spent weeks making sure wasn't in the library and Emilia had embroidered him a new handkerchief. He lost his old one months ago and kept complaining about it. There was a little snake and his initials in the corner. Emilia had gotten a beautiful set of star charts. She was excited to get them back to the school and her telescope.

The next few days went by too quickly, Solomon was in a good mood for once, and there wasn't enough time to lay around with all of the new things they had gotten. They had all finished packing their things to leave in the morning, and they found themselves exited and sad. Excited to be getting back to the castle, but even the most enthusiastic student can't always want to get back to classes.

The morning quickly came and everyone had thrown their robes on, ready to head out the door. Sebastian and Anne said their goodbyes to their uncle. They decided to say their goodbyes before leaving so they could all just travel to their common rooms. Less walking. Anne and Ominis went first. Emilia went to take some of the powder, but Sebastian took her by the wrist before she could.

"Don't think you're going to leave before I get a kiss, darling," He smirked down at her.

She didn't realize how close he had gotten to her, his height had never intimidated her, but she felt small. He pulled her into him with the wrist he still had a hold on, crashing his lips to hers. His kisses never failed to make her heart pound in her chest and the heat rise in her face. She slid her free hand up from his chest to his neck. She could feel his pulse under her fingers. His breathing quickened as she ran her tongue across his bottom lip. His lips were as soft as ever and she could feel the lust behind their movements. Hand roaming, looking for skin. She wanted him.

He broke away, smirking, "Now missy, we have a castle to get back to. I'll see you in the morning."

He gave her a peck and then threw powder at his feet. She was left to stare in confusion. What was he getting at? Did he want her to combust?

She grumbled to herself.

I'll show you how to tease, Sebastian Sallow.

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