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"I don't know what I'm going to do, Ominis," Emilia sighed as she confided in her friend. That next week was interesting, to say the least. Sebastian hadn't spoken to her once. He avoided her when he could and ignored her when he couldn't. Why did he think that Jessica was more important than their friendship? They were even starting to be more than friends. She knew he had feelings for her by the way he kissed her. And how gentle he was with her. And how he always teased her the worst of anyone he knew. Why was this the hill he was willing to die on? She had gotten through to him when he was almost to gone to save at one point, even after not talking all year. What made this different?

"I know, Emilia. He is being quite obtuse right now. He thinks you are the one who went to Professor Black about the whole thing as well. He is back to where he was last year. I at least know why he has been so adamant about the whole thing. He is still trying to find a cure for Anne. She got worse again since he came back to school. I understand that he has not used any of the Dark Arts himself, but he was letting Jessica do it for him. They were coming back from an abandoned castle in search of something he had been reading in a book. I feel for his struggles, and I've told him you care about him dearly, but he is so caught up in losing what he thinks was the only way to heal his sister. I'm not sure if he will come around to you or not. I'm sorry I couldn't do more. I know that you care for him more than a friend. Truly, I wish I could do more. You are good for him, whether he sees it or not."

She just let some of the tears that had been welling up fall. How could she not see that he was trying to help Anne? She should have been more tactful when she spoke with him. The last time she would probably speak with him for a while. It stung. She did have feelings for him, and he knew that. Why was he choosing to blame her for his sister not getting better?

It was the night of the first Quidditch game-Gryffindor VS Slytherin. Of course the two biggest rivals would face off the first game of the year. She did make the team. "Best Seeker I've seen in my six years!" Garreth had told her. She had been practicing extra hard that week to keep her mind off of everything. She was in the tent getting her gear on when the Slytherin team made their way into the large space. She saw some faces she knew, and some she didn't. She did notice a tall, brown haired face in that group. Ominis did say he was going to try out to get his mind off Anne and everything. She watched as he made his way across the tent walking past her without saying a word. He didn't even look at her. She was used to him acting like this now. It had only been a week, but she was numb to it now. She finished adjusting her padding and grabbed her broom. Now wasn't the time to worry about feelings.

Exiting the tent she looked around as the stands were filling up. Seas of green and red.

If he's going to try and ignore me, I'll have to give him something he can't ignore.

She mounted her broom and got into formation on the field. She looked below at the other players on her team. They all looked ready and determined.

We will not lose.

The Slytherin team exited and got into their formation in front of her and the others. Sebastian was straight across from her. Ominis did say he was the Seeker.

This is going to complicate things.

​​​​​​​He still did his best to ignore her, looking anywhere but at her.

Professor Kogawa blows her whistle and releases the Quaffle along with the Snitch and both Bludgers. As soon as the Snitch was away Emilia took off in the direction it had gone. Sebastian was close on her tail. Throughout the match, she could hear Cressida announcing the plays. It was helpful to know what was going on while being so high up.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Where stories live. Discover now