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"You were the song stuck in my head. Every song that I've ever loved."-Fall Out Boy

"Hey, Sallow! Ready to lose again?" Garreth said from across the tent. It was the first Quidditch game of the year.

Sebastian smirked, "If you mean win, then yes."

Emilia smiled to herself. She had always liked his competitive side. She watched him from the corner of her eye as he finished putting his padding on. The uniform really fit him well.

Almost too well.

​​​​​​​Of course she would be getting distracted at the absolute worse time. She finished getting herself in order and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. Even then, it was still half way down her back. At least it wasn't in her face. She grabbed her broom and took a final survey of the other students. The teams were almost the same with the addition of a few younger students.

Garreth clapped her on the shoulder, "Ready to win, Findley?"

"As long as Mr.Sallow doesn't pull anything this time," She said teasingly as she made eye contact with Sebastian.

He was smirking bigger than before, "Make sure you have a good grip and such things won't happen."

She shook her head and smiled. It was nice to banter like they used to.

They all took to the field and make their way to their positions. The fog had started to descended on the grounds as the air cooled. The sky was cloudy and threatened rain. She found herself directly in front of Sebastian. Well, not found exactly. She knew they would be across from each other like that, but her mind had wandered. She was thinking about him. She needed to stop. There was a game to win and keeping her mind on the man would only make it worse. She hadn't seen him practicing yet. Who knew what skills he had picked up over the summer.

He was still smirking. His ego obviously hadn't shrunk.

"I have a proposition for you. A bet, of sorts," He said.

What was he up to now? "And this bet, what is it?"

"Whoever loses owes the other a butterbeer. Nothing shady. Just a drink."

She wasn't sure what he was getting at. It felt like there was a catch. Though, she thought she could win, so maybe it wasn't too bad? A little something extra to add to the competition.

"It's a bet," She smiled. A little feigned ignorance could put things in her favor.

Professor Kogawa blew her whistle and they were off. She had sight on the Snitch. She didn't want give that way, though. She made her way toward it, but kept a calm face. Her speed was consistent. She kept an eye out for Sebastian, and Bludgers, as she made her way across the field. Suddenly a Bludger flew in front of her face. She looked to her left to see the Slytherin Beater smirking at her.

If Kogawa doesn't call that...

​​​​​​​She turned back to get eyes on the Snitch again. She lost it. She gained some altitude to try and spot it through the low clouds of the evening. Suddenly she saw Sebastian speed past her. He had gotten a glimpse of the bloody thing. She sped after him. She was not going to let him win, not after he brought up that bet. He would never let her live it down. She caught up to him, their brooms were neck and neck.

"Nice of you to join us," He joked.

She rolled her eyes, "Took you long enough to get an eye on it, Sallow."

He laughed, "It's not about who sees it first. Just who catches it first."

She didn't respond, just gave his broom a little love tap.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Where stories live. Discover now