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"No, I haven't seen her since Saturday. Haven't heard anything, either," Sirona said, "I'm sure she is fine. She's probably just out on an adventure. She'll be back soon." She was busy and already off to serve customers.

Sebastian had been asking everyone he knew who at least knew of Emilia. Sirona was his last hope. He sighed and let his bones fall into the seat at the counter, resting his face in his hands on its surface.

What was he going to do? No a single sign of her. Not at the school, not in Hogsmeade. He had even asked those annoying gargoyles. He hated having to acknowledge them. They were so good at taking his carefully crafted ego and deflating it. He was quickly starting to spiral. The anxiety and worry filling his head was overtaking any logic he had left. And then--

A letter dropped on his head. He almost jumped at the suddenness of it, but he was better than that. He quickly lifted his head and took the envelope in his hand, turning it over to read a small inscription.

Care for a game?

​​​​​​​He sat there staring at the words scrawled on the paper.

What in Merlin's name?

​​​​​​​He opened it swiftly, not worrying about the taring paper. His hands were shaking as they unfolded the suspicious note.

I prepose a game.

Find her before midnight and she lives.


Panic began setting in more than before. He read the words over and over.

​​​​​​​Who has taken you from me, Emilia? How am I going to find you?

​​​​​​​ He flipped the paper over looking for more. Nothing. How was he supposed to find her without any hits as to where she could be? He looked up at the clock over the Three Broomsticks fireplace.

It was already after nine. He didn't have long. Stood from his place and saw an owl perched on one of the ceiling beams. The owl. He knew what he needed to do.

The door swung open to admit more patrons, and as they entered the owl took the opportunity to exit the building. Sebastian didn't waist any time pushing past the people entering to follow the owl as it made it's way toward the Forbidden Forrest, ignoring their disgruntled shouts behind him.

I'm coming, Emilia. Just hold on for me, darling.

​​​​​​​His trek through the winding paths and over streams was not easy. It was dark. It was bitterly cold, and he was trying to keep his eyes on this owl. He had almost tripped three times already, and he was trying not to attract unwanted attention from the forest's inhabitants, which meant no Lumos. He felt his lungs burning from the quick breaths of freezing air. His heart was pounding hard enough he thought he would crack a rib. He couldn't remember the last time he felt the tip of his nose or his fingers. It didn't matter, though. As long as he got to Emilia in time.

He started to see a glow in the distance. Fire. A camp, hopefully. He wasn't sure how he managed to keep that owl in his sights with the dark, but he did. He quickly cast a disillusionment charm as he got closer to the camp. He could hear voices in the distance. Some laughing, some arguing.

As he made his way up to the edge of the tents, he took a survey of what he would be dealing with. There weren't many awake, it looked. He wasn't sure how long he had been following that bloody bird through the forest. It looked like the Rookwood lot. He knew they had been after Emilia. He had told her not to leave the grounds alone for this very reason. At least let him know she was leaving so he could make sure she got back safely. But, of course, she was stubborn and had that blasted Gryffindor bravery.

He made his way around the perimeter of the camp, staying just out of reach of the light of the fire. His eyes scanned for something that might look like where they would keep a captive. And then he saw it, or rather her, laying on the ground near one of the fires and tied up. There was a guard posted around her. Two large men.

"Oh, Emilia," he let out in a breathy whisper.

He quickly realized his mistake and snapped his jaw shut.

"Who's there?" A voice called out from somewhere between the tents.

I'm a damned fool.​​​​​​​

He knew there was no way out of it, so might as well catch them by as much surprise as he could manage.

As he uncloaked himself from the shadows and his charm, he began throwing blasts of Confringo and Bombarda. The whole camp was quickly alerted to his presence as dirt rained down around him. His heart was pounding in his ears. The mix of fire and explosions quickly being drowned out by his pulse. He threw blast after blast, cutting his way through the sea of masked faces. He didn't care about what happened to them, as long as he could get to Emilia.

Soon enough, the last man dropped with a satisfying thud. He smirked in satisfaction, admiring his work. There never was anything better than a good fight to get your blood pumping. He turned to Emilia, and his heart dropped. Emilia was now sitting with a woman towering over her. A hand holding Emilia's hair to keep her body upright.

"Jessica Taylor. I should have known," He said as he took a step closer, "Let her go. She never did anything to you. At least not that you didn't deserve."

She cackled. Cackled.

​​​​​​​"Sebastian, dear. She took the two most important things away from me. My position in the school....And you."

He stared on, dumbfounded at her words. Him? What did he have to do with anything?

She continued, "You were so close to getting lost in the Dark Arts. The power at your fingertips, and you gave it up. For what? This-This girl? We could have had real power together, Sebastian. We still can. All you have to do is get rid of this little problem."

He looked down at Emilia, jaw slacked. She was bound and gagged, but the tears streaming down her cheeks changed something in him. He felt his body tremble with anger. His fist clenching his wand as he held it up toward Jessica.

"I will never be one of you," He spat.

She laughed at him again and let Emilia fall from her fingers with a thud. He flinched as he watched her eyes squeeze shut. He took a step toward her, reaching for her. He knew what he had to do.


Jessica dodged out of the way, still laughing.

She thinks this is fun.

​​​​​​​She quickly threw a spell at him and he threw a Protego to block it.

They went back and forth like that for what felt like hours. He was tired. Sweat dripped from his nose as he stood there, defending himself from her persistent attacks. He had forgotten she was better than him at dueling. How could he forget that day. The day he thought he found a kindred soul in the new fifth year student. The person who led him down a path of self destruction. He had all but lost himself with her by his side. Almost done something he would regret for the rest of his life. But then the only light left in his mind saved him. Emilia saved him. She brought him back from the edge, and he will never be able to repay her.

He grit his teeth as he pushed forward, but before he could cast he was slammed into the ground. He felt his bones cracking. Pain coursing through his body. He tried to lift his head to see Emilia, make sure she was okay. Jessica stood over her, eyes red. Her wand was pointed at Emilia's neck.

His mind went blank. He was now acting on instinct. He was not about to lose the one person who meant more to him than anything. He lifted to his knees. He could feel the blood trickling down his cheek and his body screaming at him for even trying to move. He didn't care. He drew his wand and shouted with everything in him.

"Avada Kadavra!"

A green light filled the air. Sebastian could feel the power flowing through him. And he was scared.

He was scared because he liked it.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Where stories live. Discover now