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Trigger warning!!!!

SA stuff!!


Emilia make her way to the Undercroft. She hadn't seen hide nor hair of Sebastian since yesterday and she was starting to get worried. Ominis had told her that he might be down in the groups hideout studying.

The sound of her shoes clicked on the stone floor as she entered the room. The steel gate quickly slamming to a close behind her. It was darker than normal. Only the one brasier above the table in the back was lit. And there he was, hunched over a pile of books and papers strewn over the table. She smiled to herself, relieved that he was just studying. Her mind was quick to raise her anxiety on what he might be up to.

She quickly made her way over to him, the smile still on her face. He didn't seem to notice, so lost in all of the books before him.


His head shot up, almost in shock. He really was lost in all those books. She was able to get a good look at him as she finally made her way to stand on the other side of the table from him. He didn't look like himself. Dark circles under his eyes and his hair was more disheveled than normal, sticking up in all different directions. His uniform shirt was wrinkled and haphazardly hanging from his form. His sleeves weren't even rolled, as he normal would do, just pushed up his arms.

She couldn't help but immediately walk around the table to him, putting her hands on either side of his face. Her expression was wrought with worry for him. He looked as if he hadn't slept at all since she saw him last.

"Sebastian, are you okay? When's the last time you slept?" Her voice was laced with concern.

He just looked at her for a moment, his mind seemingly somewhere else before he blinked a few times and let out a deep sigh.

"Em," He breathed as he let his head fall to her shoulder.

She moved a hand to cradle his head while her other made small, soothing movements on his back. He let his weight be carried by her for a moment as they stood there in silence. She could hear his breathing was short. He had to be exhausted.

She let him stay there as long as he needed, just the sound of their breathing passed between them. After a few minutes he lifted his head and moved his hands to caress her cheeks.

"I've been so stressed out over everything. I just want to do well and with everything that happened, I've been struggling," He sighed.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, "I know," She gave him a reassuring smile.

He smiled back at her, and it seemed that his muscles relaxed a little. Who knew how long he had been tensed up like that. The air of the room shifted after that. She could feel the thickness of his stress oozing out of the atmosphere only to be replaced with the thickness of desire.

It didn't take long for his lips to find hers and his hands to firmly plant on her hips. She was shocked at the sudden change. His hands were hungrily roaming her body. His lips had moved to her neck. She hadn't even had time to process what was happening. She had never seen his mood flip so quickly. She quickly realized that he had pushed her against the wall and his hand was already working its way up her thigh. She started to panic. Everything was going too fast. She hadn't even had time to recover from the mood shift.

"S-Sebastian," She pleaded. Her heart was beating out of her chest.

He didn't stop.

"Sebastian, please," She said again. She could feel her throat trying to close on her.

His hand was working it's way into her underwear.

Her mind went blank. She didn't know what to do. He wasn't listening to her.

Suddenly, her wand was in her hand. She didn't remember pulling it out. She threw a quick cast at him.

He stumbled back, grabbing on to his arm where the cast had landed, "Fuck."

He looked up at her, his eyes were different. Even in the dim light of the Undercroft she could see it. The green that shown in them like the light of the killing curse. She gasped as she watched his face turn into a snarl. Her mind brought back to the image of him in her nightmares.

The laughter was back. The sound that had been plaguing her every moment for weeks. Only this time, it wasn't in her head. Sebastian had his head tilted back as he roared with the stomaching churning laughter.

She stoped breathing.

This has to be another dream.

​​​​​​​She couldn't believe that Sebastian--Her Sebastian--Could really be turning into a monster lead by the dark magic she tried so hard to keep him from. It was one spell, right? One time and one time only.

But was it really only once? All of the things that had happened to him during their fifth year. He had cast who knew how many of the Unforgivables he had cast that year. Was all it took just one more spell to open the flood gates?

Her breathing returned to her as her body began to understand the situation she was in. Her eyes focused again to see Sebastian walking toward her, his wand in hand.

"I want you, Emilia. And I am going to have you." His smile wasn't him. There was a real evil behind it.

She needed to get out. She threw another spell to distract him. He quickly blocked it.


​​​​​​​She knew that Sebastian was most defiantly a better dueler than her. The only reason she won that one duel in school was due to him being distracted. She didn't want to really hurt him. She couldn't.

"Sebastian, stay back!" She pointed her wand at him, her breath now heavy with fear.

He only laughed again, "Do you really think you could her me?"

She just watched him. She knew she couldn't hurt him. Not really. Maybe if she laid down a good enough Incendio? I he saw her casting he was sure to put up a defense.

It will have to do.

​​​​​​​And that was what she did. She slowly brought her wand up to give him enough time to block it with a Protego and she cast. She had never felt the power run through her body like that. The heat was almost unbearable. But it was necessary. As soon as the blaze was a wall in front of her, she made a beeline for the gate. It rose quickly with a clunk and she ran. She ran right out of the cabinet door. She ran straight to the only person she knew could help. The only other person who knew as much of the Dark Arts as Sebastian. She only hoped he was willing.


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