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We are going to visit some family in America over the holiday. We will bring you back a souvenir. Have fun at the castle over break.

We love you and Happy Christmas,

Mum and Dad.

​​​​​​​Well that was just wonderful. Not that Emilia didn't love the castle, and it really had that Christmas happiness when she walked through the castle, but she still loved being home of the holiday.

"Oh, that's rotten news," She heard over her shoulder and then Sebastian ploped down on her right and Ominis on her left.

"Good morning to you, too," She announced.

"What's the news?" Ominis said.

"My parents have decided to go to America over the holiday and leave me stranded in the castle," She huffed.

"You could always come to Feldcroft with us," Sebastian mentioned as he grabbed an apple from one of the dishes on the table.

Christmas with the Sallows? That could be nice. She hadn't had Christmas with them before.

She smiled, "That would be nice. I don't think I've been out there for years. How am I supposed to get permission to leave though? My parents already told the school that I would be staying."

"Leave that to me, darling. You know I have a way with the faculty," Sebastian grinned.

He always did boast about being able to get out of almost anything, maybe he could get her out of the castle?

She was suspicious about his plans. He had managed to stay out of too much trouble for the term, but she wouldn't be surprised if he landed a nice detention before they left.

"Don't give me that look," He scoffed.


"What look?"

"The 'I know you're about to get in trouble' look. You forget I've known you far too long not understand exactly what you're thinking."

She stuck her tongue out at him and crossed her arms, to which he laughed at.

"What'd Sebastian do this time?" Anne said as she took the seat next to Ominis.

"Hey! Why did I have to do anything?"

"Because, she looks mad and you have that smug smile on your face. That's the one you have when you've succeeded at pushing someones buttons," She said as she grabbed an apple for herself.

Emilia giggled lightly. Anne always did know how to knock Sebastian's ego down a few pegs.

"You're on her side now? I'm hurt," Sebastian said as he pouted dramatically and placed his hand over his heart in a feigned betrayal.

"The lot of you are mad," Ominis shook his head with a small smile.

"You love us, Ominis, don't pretend you don't," Emilia smiled and elbowed his arm playfully.

"I suppose you have grown on me, sadly. I'll never have a peaceful breakfast again," He lamented.

"That's the spirit!" Sebastian smiled.

The last week of the term came and went quickly. Sebastian hadn't said anything about if he had gotten her a way out of the castle or not. She hoped he had, so she packed her things for the holiday anyway. She had made sure to get a few small things for everyone for Christmas. She couldn't just show up empty handed, that would be rude.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora