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The following summer was a nice break from everything that had happened. Emilia had time to practice her spell casting and study her books. She even had time to do some Quidditch training. Between those things she kept herself busy with her ever growing shelves of plants she kept in her room and her friends. Natty and Poppy were just as supportive as Imelda had been. It was nice. She had practically pushed Sebastian out of her mind during the days. She felt confident she would have a good year at school and not worry about him or see him if she could avoid it. They hadn't talked over the summer, but Ominis had sent some owls. He was doing well. He also informed her that a wizard from France had come to St. Mungo's and they believed Anne had been cured. She would be joining them for her final year. Emilia was over joyed that they had finally gotten help for her and that she would be able to attend her final year with her friends and brother. She was happy for Sebastian. He could finally put everything behind him, for good. His sister was well and he could be happy for once. It had been a long time since he was truly happy.

"All abord!" The conductor shouted as the Hogwarts Express let out a high pitched whistle.

It was 11 o'clock. Time to make the final train ride to Hogwarts. The last time she would feel the excitement of riding to Hogsmeade. The last time she would say goodbye to her parents. It was bittersweet. She waved at her parents from the window of her compartment and smiled at them. The last time she would have to see Sebastian. She was over it of course. Over him. She just didn't feel like she should have to relive the memory of her heartbreak for longer than need be. Hopefully they didn't have any classes together. That was probably too much to ask, Gryffindor and Slytherin were bound to have at least one class together, but maybe it would be minimal.

She let out a small sigh. She really was over him. She was.

The rest of the day became a blur. And it was not because she was thinking about what would happen when she saw Sebastian. By the time she came back to reality she was walking into the Great Hall for the Feast. She made her way to the Gryffindor table and sat with her friends, her back to the Slytherin table.

"Emilia!" Natty exclaimed with a smile.

Emilia smiled back to her, "Hello everyone."

Garreth and Nellie also exchanged greetings with her and everyone began recounting their summers.

"I have big plans for our final year. Big ones!" Garreth beamed.

"I hope they don't involve a cauldron," Emilia laughed.

Garreth pouted at her and kicked her leg under the table.

"Ow! Garreth, you bloody twat!"

Garreth raised an eyebrow at her language, "And since when do you start speaking like a sailor?"

"Since I wanted to. Is that a problem?"

"Not to me. Just didn't think you had it in you, miss goody-goody," He smirked.

She giggled at him.

"Good evening, everyone!" Professor Black began, "It is wonderful to see everyone again-"

Emilia could feel eyes boring into the back of her head. She had a feeling of who it was, she didn't dare turn around.

"Garreth do you see anyone staring at us?" She whispered across the table.

"Hmm? Oh, um, yeah. It looks like our dear friend Sebastian Sallow is about to jump over every table and do...Well I don't know what, but it doesn't look good. What'd you do to him? I know you aren't really friends anymore, but is wasn't that bad was it?"

Mad? What is he mad for?

She shook her head. "I don't know, maybe he doesn't like your face?" She said, trying to release the tension in the situation.

Where Snakes and Lions Roam |Sebastian Sallow|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora