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"I get so high when you're with me, but crash and crave you when you leave."-Kesha

Sebastian flew through his next class, not really paying attention. What class was he even in? Astronomy? Divination? It didn't matter. What mattered was getting to lunch as quickly as he could. Last night Emilia said his name. In a way she had never done before. Was that her letting him know she liked him? As more than a friend? Did he imagine it? He had thought about them together a lot over the years. He had always had feelings for her. But she never seemed to reciprocate. He never wanted to ruin what they had; as long as he could be close to her, he wouldn't say a word.

I would do anything for her.

He felt the guilt hit him. He hadn't been there for her last year. He was probably the worst friend anyone could ask for. She couldn't go through that and then come back with those feelings. He was lucky she even wanted to be friends still. Anne was all he thought about last year. And himself. He was selfish. Not wanting to lose his sister. Kept telling himself that she was't herself anymore. What a lie. Of course she was still herself. She was having a hard time with her bouts of pain. Anyone would seem a different person over that.

He shook his head, at least she was doing better now. The pains have been fewer and lighter as of late, thank Merlin.

He made his way through the doors of the Great Hall, and looked around for Emilia. He smiled once he found her, standing in the corner of the fireplace by the window. She was reading one of her favorite Astronomy books. She really did love the stars. Her face always lighting up when she talked about it. She always looked so beautiful when she was talking about something she loved. Well she always looked beautiful, but something about her excitement always pulled him in.

He started walking toward her, a smile on his face. She looked up and smiled as she saw him.

Merlin, her smile is intoxicating.

"Finally have time for such a poor Slytherin?" He smirked.


She felt that anxiety again. It was not butterflies. His smirk was a sign to behold. There really was something wrong with her. "Seb, you're late," She giggled.

"Late? Classes dismissed no more than 10 minutes ago. Lunch hasn't even been served!" He mock scoffed.

Things really haven't changed between us. He is still the same old goofy, sarcastic boy I know.

She laughed. He finally made his way to her and she looked up at him. The edges of her vision blurred for a moment and it felt like time stopped. Her breath caught and couldn't care less about what was happening in that moment, as long as they could be there together.

Godric's Heart, I do have feelings for him. I'm a goner.

"Em? You okay?" He asked her.

She blinked a few times and nodded, "Yeah, sorry just thinking about something."

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"Oh, nothing. Just something from my book. You don't have to subject yourself to that. I know you don't care for Astronomy much."

"Nonsense. If you like it, I would love to hear you talk about it."

She smiled at him flipping her ponytail over her shoulder. His eyes watching her. "Alright, but tell me if I'm boring you," She said, walking past him. He shook his head, laughing and followed her.


They walked over and took a seat together. She told him about her book and he watched her with a smile. She was not known for being concise, but he didn't care. As long as she was talking about something she loved. Her parents weren't known for letting her follow the path she wanted. He new that. Six years of friendship had taught him that. Her parents wanted her to go down the path they picked out, not the one she loved. He would always make sure she could talk about what she wanted, no matter how much he didn't like it. For her, he would do anything.

That lunch went by all too fast for his liking. Any time he spent with her was always cut short he felt. As she waved to him, he couldn't help feeling a little sad having to leave her, but he still had one more class for the day.

Dinner they kept looking at each other, and every time he caught her gaze he couldn't help but smile. She always smiled back at him and he could feel the butterflies in his stomach almost lifting him off the ground.

I don't know if I can do this forever.

Maybe she really was flirting at lunch with him? If she was he might have to tell her to stop.

"Sebastian, you are pacing again. Care to tell me what is on your mind?" He heard his friend say from the couch by the fireplace.

He sighed, "Ominis, you know how I've felt about Emilia for a long time. I need your advice. She has been....different this year so far. I don't want to say she is flirting with me, but I don't know what else to call it."

Ominis laughed, "Sebastian, and I mean this with love, you are more blind than I am sometimes."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Maybe she is acting like this because she is flirting. Have you maybe thought she has feelings for you too?"

Sebastian looked at his friend in shock, "Why would she like me of all people? I wouldn't say I've really done her any favors, especially after last year." There was that guilt again.

Ominis stood, "You believe what you want, but I think you know it in your head and are punishing yourself. Forgive yourself and be happy." He walked upstairs to the dorms, leaving Sebastian alone with his thoughts.

The pacing started again. She deserves someone better. Someone who actually puts her first. Someone who isn't selfish like him. He sighed and continued to think into the wee hours of the morning.

 He sighed and continued to think into the wee hours of the morning

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