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"What is this?!"

Emilia couldn't believe what she was seeing. There right in front of her, was Adelaide. Sitting on Sebastian's lap. Kissing him. And it didn't look like he was putting up much of a fight.

Sebastian quickly stood up, knocking Adelaide to the floor, "It's not-"

"Don't tell me what isn't not. I see perfectly well what it is." She felt the tears streaming down her face. She couldn't stand there and look at his stupid face any more. She turned on her heels and stormed back out of the Great Hall.

What did he think he was getting at? Just because she wasn't ready to be that intimate that he could just move on to the next willing participant? She had pushed the worries away. The ones telling her that he was a play boy. She trusted him, and now look where things were. She was heart broken and she needed someone who could understand.

" I know we've had our differences in the past, but I'm here if you need a Slytherin's insight."

​​​​​​​She ran as fast as she could to the Quidditch field. Imelda was always there if she wasn't in class. She hoped anyway. She needed someone with more understanding of Sebastian who wasn't Ominis. She knew that Ominis have his side. The next best thing at the school would be Imelda.

She made her way through the wooden arch of the stadium and looked to the far end of the Pitch. Imelda was there, checking her equipment. She sniffled and wiped away the last of her tears. She wasn't going to let the girl see her crying, no matter what she said about them being friends before.

"Imelda," She let out, sounding as if she might start crying again. She really hated with her body betrayed her interests.

Imelda turned to look at her. Her face suddenly became very serious, "What happened?" She set her things down and walked to meet Emilia, taking her by the arms.

"S-Sebastian," She managed to get out before Imelda sighed.

"That boy really can be quite the buffoon. I never knew what you saw in him. Come with me," She gave a small smile to comfort her new friend. She guided Emilia to a small secluded area behind the Pitch where it looked that she had been before. There was a small trail cut through the grass and a few chimes in the tree at the end.

She sat Emilia down and plopped herself beside the crying girl, "What has he done this time?"

"The same thing he always does. Act like a complete ass. Adelaide was perched real pretty on his knee," Emilia spat.

Imelda sighed, "I don't understand what goes through that boys mind sometimes. Taking a perfectly good thing and ruining it. For what it's worth, you are so far out of his league. He doesn't deserve you."

She smiled a little at the kind remarks of her friend, "Thank you, Imelda. I don't think I even want to look at him again. And we still have months left of the school year."

"Don't worry about that. The best thing you can do is show him what he lost. It's always fun to watch them realize their mistakes live and in person."

"Imelda, I don't know if I'm up for that. But I can agree that I will not be letting him know that I'm even slightly upset."

"Thatta girl!" Imelda smiled

The next few days Emilia did her best to avoid Sebastian. She knew she would have class with him again on Monday, but for the weekend she needed to cry and sleep. Come Monday, she wouldn't even looked phased at anything. She told Imelda to let him know she didn't want to even speak with him. She hoped he would listen. He had sent her multiple owls trying to explain himself. She didn't read them. She threw them into a drawer and hoped they would disappear. She didn't want to hear his excuses.

Time came for that dreaded Charms class. She was not ready for this. She felt sick. She got there as early as she could in hopes to avoid his eyes. She didn't like how it felt having him stare at her. She found that out over breakfast. Before long she caught a familiar whiff of pine and cedar. She didn't look up from her book. She could feel him looking at her from across the room. She tried to avoid him as much as she could. Catching a glance as Professor Ronen walked across the room every so often.

He looked tired. The dark circles more prominent than they had been in a while. Good. She hoped he had lost sleep. She knew she had.

The class finally ended, after dragging on for what felt like forever. She quickly packed up her things and exited the classroom.

"Emilia. Please, wait," She heard Sebastian call out behind her.

She sighed. She would have to speak to him eventually. She turned to see the Slytherin only a few feet away, "Sebastian, what do you want?"

He looked disheveled. His hair was more a mess than normal, his robes wrinkled. She couldn't help but feel a pang of worry for him. She knew she couldn't show anything to him or she would fall right into his arms again. She crossed her arms.

"I....I just want you to know I'm sorry." He half raised his hand toward her before putting it back at his side.

"I don't want to hear half hearted apologies, Sebastian Sallow. You could have at least had the dignity to loose me before letting Adelaide Oaks get her hands, among other things, all over you. I don't want to speak with you. I don't want to hear anything about you. I don't want you. Goodbye, Sebastian," Her voice cracked.

She turned as the tears started to well up again. She couldn't hold them back anymore.

I love you, why do you not love me?

​​​​​​​She left him standing there in the wake of her words. She hoped they cut him deep. She felt her heart breaking with every step away from him. She had to do it. For herself and her future. She had grades to focus on if she was going to become the Auror she wanted to be.

The last few months of school came and went. She was glad to be getting away from her constant source of heartache. Seeing him everywhere, hearing his name out of everyones mouths. It was her own personal hell. She needed the summer to get a break from it all. She would be returning for her final year. A bittersweet thought. She would miss the castle, but at least she would be able to get away from Sebastian Sallow forever.

She smiled as she got on the train, time to get back to her parents. And time to study for N.E.W.T.s. She knew she could do well if she applied herself.


Author Note: Sorry this is so short! I'm building up to more pining and character development. When you hear the term 'slow burn' this better be the example.

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