Horikita Suzune - Reincarnation

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There's not enough canon info about what happens when you die. Everyone's curious to know yet most are too scared to find out. Death is an unnerving topic to most, after all.

But what does it mean when you die and then are somehow isekaid into an anime girl with a superiority complex and shitty older brother? Is it karma? Hopefully not otherwise she's in for a fucked up ride.


Waking up in a fourteen-year-old's body that was not your own was not a great experience. Would not recommend to those looking into reincarnation articles.

It took Suzune a hot minute to realize that in fact, she was now known as Horikita Suzune. A girl who was apparently neglected as a child and because of her determination to impress her Nii-san, she pushed everyone away. That's what her new memories prescribe, anyway.

She has her old memories of the anime as a credible source, too.

According to her flip-phone, she had around six months to get her shit together before high school hits the fan. Her parents are basically non-existent, and their only traces are sticky notes on the fridge saying something along the lines of 'business trip: we'll be back in two centuries'.

A+ parenting, truly.

Reading those notes made her realize that the reincarnation allowed her the gift of reading Japanese. Great.

Now what's the real plan?

Well, first thing's first, her parents be rich. Not like the top rich-rich level, but still, rich. They have an entire two floors of luxury estate as well as a pool? From her perspective, that counts as rich. Bonus, the house is like five minutes from the library.

Which is awesome.

Second, can she just mention how natural martial arts feels in this body? Like, it's a little scary. Practicing something that comes to you naturally is very addicting. So, she must be careful not to overwork herself. Good thing she quickly got to work establishing a workout routine and diet. If she's gonna go to a school where like half the people know how to fight, then she's gotta defend herself. Scare off the bitches, be a badass, you know?

Attending Japanese middle school was pretty different to school in the states. She only gets the privilege of having one lunch break, which is a crime. At least she's known as a loner so that makes her life a lot easier. People don't change in one night, well, they aren't supposed too anyway. She can get away with just chilling in the library in her lunch breaks and it gives her some time to think.

Like how the fuck is she going to avoid Kushida?

Having someone hunting you down because you attended the same middle school as them doesn't sound particularly wonderful. She would go to a different high school, but her past self already did an interview for ANHS so there's no changing that.

The best she can do right now is to continue her ballet stretches.

It'll keep her busy.


Why the hell are Japanese food portions so small? Or is she just fat? Like, she needs clarification here because Google is not making her feel better.

Speaking of physique, it's been about two months since Suzune started that workout and all she has to say is dang.

It did not disappoint.

Add the ballet lessons and exploring her neighborhood, her body is quite different from the original owner's. She has more of an hourglass shape and her chest has since increased in size. Kind of annoying because she can just feel the many more stares she's getting now at school.

Is it also because she also chopped off over 10 inches of hair? Or perhaps it's the double piercings on each ear.

On the topic of school, her education has been going swimmingly. The dump of memories consisted of all her past discoveries and diligence to staying on top of her studies. However, her past self seemed to be a little excessive when it came to schoolwork.

Like, she was studying every second of everyday kind of excessive.

She must have been really obsessed with trying to impress her brother because not ever taking a break does shit to your brain. And not good shit.

Her plan of avoiding Kushida has had no hiccups so far. She may or may not have looked up the female's blog out of curiosity of what secrets she knew. She also may or may not have screenshotted them as a way of blackmail for future reference.

Just maybe.

It might not be useful yet, but it will definitely get Two-faced-chan expelled much, much sooner. That's for sure.


Around three months into being officially known as Horikita Suzune is when the awaited drama happens.

Walking by the fabled classroom of secrets, she found it covered in spray-painted slurs, death threats, suicide baiting, you name it.

It was truly a sight to see.

And to think that all this bullying was caused by a singular teenage girl who was hungry for attention.

The power the truth holds can tear people apart. Literally.


Graduation happens and somehow Suzune managed to graduate friend free. Well, not exactly. She made a few acquaintances here and there through the shared fondness for books. But other than that, she didn't really communicate with others. It ups her chances of not being noticed by Kushida as well so. Plus, it's not like the loneliness stung. She had the world of manga to keep her entertained.

Wait, when was her birthday again? February fifteenth?

Oh, it's already passed. Huh.

Even then it's not like she was going to necessarily celebrate it. She would've probably just used it as a bonus cheat day or something.

Suzune was never good at celebrating birthdays in her past life. Every time she was invited to a birthday party, she usually found herself in a corner, away from society, feeling like everyone is judging you for the smallest speck of dust on your shoulders, with a can of coke in hand, just wanting to go home.

She's fully accustomed to the way of the Japanese by now.

Because it's the winter holidays and exactly two months away from being seen by the public again, she might as well go out into the world with a glow up, right? Like, why not?

So, her days are spent waking up at four thirty, doing her torturous workout, researching Japanese high school curriculum, doing her ballet routine, enjoying her daily dose of manga, rinse and repeat.

Yes, it's repetitive and leaves her muscles aching and brain melting, but the feeling of aching muscles and pounding headaches provides her the reminder that she is human.

And any human is fallible.

It doesn't matter if they have been somehow reborn as an anime character, any human is fallible.

Even though a specific professor in the anime tries so desperately to prove that perfection is possible, it doesn't change the fact that all human life is fallible.

The reminder that she is human is as humiliating as it is freeing.


Suzune has a little breakdown (respectfully, on the tiled floor in the bathroom, at 3:24am, while her parents are still on their so-called business trip doing God knows what) as she dreads what tomorrow will bring her.

1. All human life is fallible, breakable. And nothing will ever change that. Not even being reborn as a cute anime girl with a superiority complex and family issues.

2. Peaking in high school is as unrealistic as unicorn shit. ANHS needs to get with the program. However, the idea of having 100,000 yen in the bank is more desirable than she likes to admit.

3. Who gave Horikita Manabu the permission to be such a bitch?

Word count ---> 1270

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