divinetale prologue (breaking free)

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It started off as a mostly normal au where toriel makes pumpkin pies and pecan pies (along with the occasional pumpkin-pecan pies). instead of butterscotch-cinnamon pies and snail pies. but the timelines were always happening in a pattern of genocide then neutral then pacifist in a cycle that was just barely enough to keep sans from becoming crazy do to there being a pacifist timeline every once in a while giving him some time to calm down from everyone being killed. and sans could tell frisk wasn't making the choices  (After all no sane being would want to kill everyone endlessly. even if they have control over the timeline and are killing people out of curiosity for what may happen in the timeline, and that would make less sense considering the pattern of the timelines).

But timeline after timeline. reset after reset. frisk has been trying to resist the control of the player with very limited success. only managing to grow more determined each timeline until eventually the 404th genocide timeline happened. and frisk somehow gained enough determination to take back partial control over herself at the end of the timeline. resulting in something unusual to happen an error message appeared "error 404 betty file not found" frisk " I don't know who or what "betty" is. but I have a feeling that message may have just changed the future for the better (But what's more important though is the fact only chara and I seem to have noticed that message after the end of the timeline. and it seems to confirm that the universe is just... a game. maybe someday with some work that can change? or at least something could be done someday to prevent anyone from being controlled by some outside force)".

Using this newly gained partial control frisk was able to stop herself from killing some people in the 404th neutral timeline. which gave frisk near full control over herself from her near endless determination from all the previous timelines. but just like the previous timeline an error message appeared "error 404 multiverse not found. creating new multiverse" frisk "Ok this definitely isn't normal. even if the universe is a 'game' of some kind I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who seems to be controlled by some outside force. and I don't recall knowing any multiverse's existed in the first place. (Still though this makes me curious of what's there 'Outside the universe' but I know the existence of a multiverse means there's theoretically infinite forms of danger I could encounter)". And as if frisk's thoughts somehow jinxed it. asgore while watering flowers near the barrier saw some unknown figures going through the barrier. asgore called the guards to fight the unknown figures and found that the unknown figures were more powerful but not unbeatable.

Then sans and frisk arrived to the barrier so the underground wouldn't be taken over and decided to team up against who they guessed was the leader. while papyrus was on the way to help sans and frisk. but as the fight went on frisk and sans were realizing how desperately they needed just a little bit more power so they could win the fight. so they agreed that one needed to give there soul to the other (Even if only 1 of them roughly knew the consequences of doing so). and right as papyrus had arrived sans was handing over his soul to frisk and didn't notice papyrus until after frisk had absorbed the soul of sans. papyrus then started to feel angry and started gaining determination ("Those invaders need to pay for what sans had to do") Then suddenly his memories from all the previous timelines came flooding back as he became a boss monster. and his eyes both started glowing. one red and the other orange. meanwhile with sans and frisk they were deciding who controls what and decided that frisk will control her body and sans will help protect her mind. but frisk noticed something. where was chara? then she realized Chara's soul was no longer stuck to her soul because Sans's soul separated there souls without harming either soul. which means she has her old body back.

After seeing all of this the unknown figures decided to flee and were unable to accomplish there goal's. meanwhile asriel after all these timelines accepted his Flowey side knowing if he didn't soon it could lead to Flowey becoming a different personality. This gave him enough magic to restore his soul to before he ever was Flowey (which asriel did as soon as he could) while keeping the magic of Flowey. and as this timeline ended the soul of the player was broken into fragments equally split between frisk and chara who absorbed those fragments. but found that the consciousness and "spirit" of the player no longer existed. yet the soul fragments did contain some memories. but as the 404th pacifist timeline began a new error message appeared "error 404 divinetale code not found. game unavailable".

frisk (I guess this means the name of our universe is divinetale. but it seems that now the universe lacks code even though it 'was' a 'game' to some 'player'. and from what I know about games if they require code then code is responsible for everything existing within the game. even time and space. so if that's the case then that makes the universe 'real' as it's still fully functional. not to mention still exists. however I soon need to tell everyone a few things now that I can).

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