Divinetale chapter 5 the multiversal war Part 5

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Vampiric dust currently doesn't know the plans divine frisk has. But knows it's definitely time to look into more power. Or at least learn what the madness of the multiverse is capable of. A higher form of Immortality or a new form of immortality is definitely something to at least consider. Then almost as if she guessed what he was thinking. Divine frisk then spoke.

:Divine frisk "the madness of the multiverse gives you insight into the truth. Eventually including the truth about the multiverse. In the process you are required to transcend those duality's. If you failed to do so you would lose every last shred of your sanity. If you can't contain all that you claim it would have the same result. Aside from that you become immune to both half's of the duality's and can draw power from the duality's you transcend. You just need to learn how to do it. you are now immune to the divine and demonic elements because they are forms of good and evil respectively. order and chaos hold significant importance with how time and space work, along with the fact that both chaos and order exists in many forms and can significantly affect the multiverse".

Vampiric dust "I guess I just need to figure out how to access that power than. And it seems like I'm currently immune to the main powers of demonic ink, in that case perhaps immortality could be what I need" divine frisk "in my archangel form I was able to regenerate back a lost arm at an infinitely increasing speed. My avatars are capable of regenerating there mind body and soul. It's like regenerating a single piece of code that makes up my existence and uses an infinitely small amount of my power. if you want we can test, though I already know what the result will be". vampiric dust "even though I can trust your words. I'd like to see for my self if I can" divine frisk "I understand. I'll only do what is required to test this, though we can't test physical regeneration while in the dream dimension because of it being a non physical dimension".

Divine frisk then created a portal to the sets of universe's. Vampiric dust and divine frisk walked through the portal and arrived at there destination. While they were both in a spiritual form they decided to start with that. Divine frisk created a small knife out of magic. She carefully cut a small part of his arm and made the cut visible from how it was cut. The cut on his arm regenerated back nearly instantly. Vampiric dust felt relieved that he now had some ability to regenerate. They went back into there physical forms. Now vampiric dust felt uncertain about this. But regardless of the small amount of pain it's better to know then to not know. In her human form divine frisk this time created an actual metal knife. This time divine frisk cut his other arm but the same way as the previous arm. Like before. The cut regenerated back nearly instantly.

Vampiric dust "thanks for showing me that I already have a form of immortality that I wanted". Divine frisk "your welcome. Also I apologize that I cut you to begin with, I figured it would be safer to figure out in a somewhat controlled environment rather than while fighting" vampiric dust "I accept your apology. As you said it's better to learn in a more controlled environment rather than a battle" divine frisk "I think for now I'm going to look into higher dimensions to draw power from. I don't want to get in your way with training and I need to find stuff to make sure I'm prepared for my plans to begin at a moments notice, I'll return when you next need me" vampiric dust "before you do that. What are these plans? And what is the name of our small group that protects the balance of the multiverse?".

divine frisk "I have plans to become primordial. And I have plans to become an outer god. Also the name of the group is the guardians of the multiverse, if you want I can also make you primordial when the plan happens" vampiric dust "I see no reason why I should reject being primordial. Also the name for the group seems very fitting. I like it, hope you find what your looking for though". With that divine frisk went back into her ghost form and to teleported to the dream dimension. Vampiric dust now wandered if he could also make portals to other dimensions. Perhaps he could find out later. Divine frisk then went outside the dream dimension. 

Although the distance to the core of the multiverse was effectively a multilayered infinity that seemed without an end. Divine frisk was able to run just fast enough to reach the core of the multiverse because of determination acting as a speed boost. The hard part was finding a way inside it. But it was still not so hard to figure out. Everything is made of code on a small enough scale. Including the strings of string theory. Even time can't exist without code. With a certain amount of effort code can manipulate dimensions. Divine frisk then with her telekinesis warped a hole into the core of the multiverse. It was big enough to see it contained a dimension within it. Divine frisk then repaired the hole in the core of the multiverse and created a portal into the core of the multiverse.

Divine frisk then entered the portal she created. She arrived in the dimension within the core of the multiverse. It was odd but in an interesting way. It feels like she's everywhere in the sets of universe's. But at the same time her ghost form was only within this dimension. And the sets of universe's seem to be nearly the size of particles while inside the dimension. And in the center of the dimension is a dimensional matrix. The dimension also contains a linearly infinite amount of code. In other words it's capable of handling the raw power of a fallen angel inside it. It's exactly what divine frisk was looking for.

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