Divinetale chapter 5 the multiversal war Part 1

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The group in the meeting went silent for a while do to being surprised. The first to break this silence was the version of gaster. "I'll be honest. After you began to exist only in the moment I had wandered if you would get to a higher dimension such as this. And based on the fact you aren't crazy from just seeing me I have to admit you have lots of potential. Perhaps your even some kind of prodigy. though I'm guessing you'd probably want to know my name, while I am gaster I'm known across the multiverse as 'the one who speaks in hands' and I'm the father of sans in your exact set of timelines in your universe" frisk "my apologies for what I had to do. I know words can't bring him back to life. But if it makes you feel any better by gaining his soul I have his memories and because I don't recall having any parents before that happened, in a way I see you as my father"

The one who speaks in hands "I was able to watch that happen before it happened. Your apology is accepted. You had no other options at the time. and as you said sans might be gone but he lives through you, on top of that he did consent to giving his soul to you" Next the version of sans that seems to be an error decided to talk: "you really are quite an anomaly. You have powers similar to a glitch or an error or perhaps a virus. But your existence isn't of the same nature as any of these. It's an amalgamation of nearly every form of life in the multiverse. And yet your not someone I'd erase or destroy in fact it would be a bad idea to do so. Your universe is among the first of the originals in our set of universe's which means your death would significantly affect the multiverse, as for a name you can call me error and I'm a god of destruction"

Frisk "it's nice to meet a destroyer who can see the bigger picture. And it's nice to see that we can find an understanding for why I shouldn't be a target, perhaps we can become friends or at least allys in the future" the next who introduced themself was the version of sans that seems to embody negativity and wisdom: "it's interesting to find someone who is a duality of both the concepts of good And evil at the same time. It's a balance my brother and I have been trying to uphold in the multiverse. Though an interesting thing you might not know is that I actually represent the negativity of the multiverse. and my brother is the same with positivity. Though we are both still empowered by the total amount of negativity and positivity respectively in the multiverse.

As for a name. I'm known throughout the multiverse as midnight, to help with any potential confusion I'm an alternate version of nightmare" frisk "thanks for explaining but. You didn't really need to explain that to me because I can see across time and space. Sorry for everything you and your brother had to deal with, I can understand why you both killed all these people in your universe". The next person to speak was the version of sans that seems to embody positivity and luck: "nice to meet you. My name is lucky dream. As my brother midnight said. We both are trying to maintain the balance of the multiverse. And we both represent our own half of that specific duality and are empowered by our respective half's of it. And that particular duality is an important one to the multiverse as it maintains time and space.

As you might be able to tell me and my brother transcend this duality. How this is the case is because midnight despite being the concept of negativity still can be kind and positive with no consequences to himself. though he still has a negative view on most things. As for me it's because a being who represents positivity would only be able to do good but I am able to do evil acts without any consequence to myself, as such me and my brother are both negative and positive at the same time" frisk "if you think about it. Positivity and negativity are a higher and more broad version of the concepts of good and evil. And with their connection to time and space they both have lots of potential. Perhaps we can be allys in the future". The next person to speak was hypnos: "like you probably figured. I'm the god of sleep hypnos. This dimension is where I live and because of my domain I'm omnipotent compared to those who inhabit this dimension. Because of this I'm neither good or evil because sleep isn't inherently connected to those concepts which is why this dimension is usually where meetings happen because of it being a no conflict zone of sorts. though in rare cases this dimension acts as an afterlife to those who died in there sleep and to those who are too powerful for the afterlife in there universe or those who no longer have a universe, but among the most rare is when someone is too weak for the highest dimensions in the multiverse and that only happens if someone still doesn't have a non physical form and isn't of a high enough axis"

 frisk "if I understand that correctly. There's higher dimensions in the multiverse that could only act as afterlife's to those who transcend all physical dimensions. In all honesty I might visit them someday. As for what you said about yourself. It makes sense to me because sleep isn't inherently connected to good or evil and there's the fact sleep can lead to a dream or a nightmare or even something inbetween. Though perhaps it's connected via the concept of magic, I think we can get along though"

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