divinetale chapter 1 the surface part 1

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While asriel was braking the barrier he noticed the human souls gave him some extra soul energy containing some of each of there soul traits and was able to combine them with his soul

(After asriel destroyed the barrier) frisk "It's time I told you all a few things 1 The reason why I fell down mount ebott at first I was getting bullied to the point where I considered going to mount ebott to end it all but along the way I found other's who were trying to do the same. I tried to stop the other's but after failing each time eventually I decided to do it as well 2 after that I was surprised to see I was somehow still alive and also some outside force was controlling what I did and made me kill everyone hundreds of times until I eventually broke free from there control and lastly 3 I've never had emotions for as long as I can remember yet still have a sense of empathy so despite what I was forced to do I would like to join the kingdom of monsters if nothing else then to atone for what I've done'

toriel "My child I'm sure you can be forgiven in time so maybe we can be your new family but for now seeing as the barrier is destroyed we need to all decide what to do" asgore "I agree while you may have done some bad stuff you clearly didn't want to do any of it and you didn't have to tell us so the fact you chose to is a sign that you aren't as bad as someone who would have killed us all hundreds of times so as king I pardon you from those crimes and I don't see any reason you can't join our kingdom though we will still need to decide what to do about the barrier" papyrus "I forgive you after all that situation sounds like it was out of your control and It wasn't your fault sans had to give his soul to you so while I will miss sans I owe it to him to at least protect you" undine "punk while you have killed us hundreds of times at least you admit it and like papyrus said that situation was beyond your control and for what it's worth sorry for how I've acted we needed a 7th human soul to free us from the underground I never thought about why those humans fell into the underground in the first place" alphys "sorry for what you went through and that situation you had to deal with I'm sure you probably know a lot about everyone because of it but if it's alright can we talk later I didn't think time travel was possible so I'm curious how you were doing it" mettaton "darling though you have killed us all hundreds of times it was out of your control you have nothin to be forgiven for"

frisk "Thanks everyone I guess for now I'm going to practice manipulating my determination with chara" (If a player of a game still has there powers in a world without code (Even if there powers changed somewhat) Then in theory they could be able to manipulate reality and from the memories of the player I know that there powers normally have a connection to both code and determination. so if people from this universe still have code then in theory if I'm right a being almost entirely made of code should be capable of copying the code of others which would give them a copy of there powers. but if I can create fake code with the same properties as code then it should work the same but with the added benefit of fake code being unable to be copied along with not becoming a code based being in fact it would make me immune to code related powers if I become codeless even commands wouldn't work on me because fake code is nonexistent code that still works as code but is immune to anything code based)

As chara and frisk were manipulating there determination both found that they can create a file of this world and as the error message said the universe lacks code however the characters still have code including herself but it seems chara is near codeless after a while looking at files chara and frisk decided to take a brake from that and go back to manipulating there determination and found that (Although difficult) They can code reality with there determination and whatever they programmed reality to do would happen when either of them wanted which was proven after frisk had reality summon a slice of pumpkin pie next to her. after a while frisk and chara attempted to create fake code by manipulating reality and felt a strange feeling (It was almost like they both exist but also don't exist and at the same time felt more powerful) frisk and chara decided to check there soul's to see if anything was wrong and noticed that while nothing was wrong with either of there soul' frisk's soul now contains justice along with patience however the overwhelming majority of her soul still has determination (It was almost like part of Sans's soul contained a certain amount of certain soul traits and that power was added to frisk's soul)

 After that they decided to test what other ways determination can be used and learned it can be used to form weapons (From swords knifes shields guns bats staffs and even claws it seemed almost no weapon was imposable for determination to replicate when it comes to weapons it seems the only limitation of determination was creativity and the amount of determination you have) Then learned determination can enhance your body (While experimenting with determination frisk covered part of her arm in determination and tried to hit a rock but noticed her arm was faster while covered in determination as well as stronger because the rock was shattered into very small pieces and yet her arm wasn't hurt from doing that but she hasn't killed anybody in this timeline and is even level 1)

A few hours later the human souls disappeared and where each going on a path to a different person (The soul of perseverance was following asgore and combine with the soul of asgore. the same thing happened with bravery to papyrus. integrity to undyne. justice to toriel. patience to mettaton. and the soul of kindness was following chara but didn't combine with Chara's soul instead it seems to be waiting for something) Asgore then decided that he along with toriel mettaton frisk chara papyrus asriel and undyne would visit the surface but decided to leave alphys in charge of the Underground until they return

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