divinetale chapter 4 the era of balance part 5

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Meanwhile somewhere else in the multiverse a certain creator named demonic ink was watching "why does she keep visiting other universe's? And she always gets some code from them. And yet she's not a glitch an error or some type of virus. She's some type of amalgamation of nearly every form of life in the multiverse. and her power seems to be growing fast. I think it may be time for the gods of the multiverse to have a meeting, The future of the multiverse could be at risk if we don't manage to learn more about her". Though unknown to demonic ink. Frisk had not only been able to see and hear demonic ink halfway across the multiverse. But frisk also teleported back into her set of timelines in the divinetale universe

 The pantheon of the rising stars "anybody know when frisk will return?" Frisk "how have things been" the pantheon of the rising stars "aside from being startled by you. Good actually, we have colonized the entire solar system the empire is beginning to travel to other star systems and we are in a technological singularity" frisk "we all know I already knew. Anyway I've just recently gained the ability to feel emotions. And before that I got chaos into my mind and now it seems I can see infinite versions of what I have seen in the multiverse. In my mindscape, and based on what I've saw it seems if I die then another version of me will automatically gain all of my memories powers and personally they even gain my consciousness after that they take my place in this timeline and universe" alphys "if that's true then not only do you nearly transcend the very concept of causality. You can see into infinite possibilities that might not even exist, it's good to know you now have emotions though" frisk "that's just it through. The infinite versions of everything I've seen. Those universe's, they feel just as real as our universe" chara "if I'm understanding this correctly. Your mind contains a type 2 or type 3 multiverse that you control and can learn from, at this point it sounds like your an eldritch deity even though you aren't" 

Frisk "I'd bet some people could argue I am an eldritch deity by definition from just that. however in this regard Though I've made the preparations. I've still got a ways to go before I can truly be considered eldritch, but in my physical forms can be described as chaos given a physical form so that would put me somewhere up there among the more sanity draining eldritch entities" chara "I'm guessing regaining the ability to have a physical form is connected to you gaining the ability to feel emotions" frisk "actually it is. But it's not how most would think I did" chara "for asgore it was taken care of by a wish to be able to swap between his monster form and his fallen Angel form. Though he still could swap to his archangel form and his demon Lord form" frisk "it's a decent way to solve that. But it's still important to remember that after a certain point anything physical becomes limited by it being physical in the first place. though by being a fallen angel who can swap between physical and non physical forms as well as having infinite forms means my existence is of a conceptual nature, rather than spiritual or physical or even mental nature because I'm not bound to any of those forms of existence" alphys "regarding your physical forms being able to be described as chaos given a physical form. It would probably be a good idea to look into ways to not make people be drained of there sanity by looking at you, and I'd suggest doing that before you decide to become an eldritch being so you can control that to some degree"

 frisk "I'll look into that (In fact I think I have just the right idea to help with this. but I'll need to do it later). But I should probably mention that soon a meeting of the gods of the multiverse will happen because a demon Lord with the power of creation thinks I'm a threat to the multiverse" chara "in that case why don't you join the meeting. You might not be a god but we trust you to represent our universe in the meeting more than we would some random being we don't know about" frisk "I've been thinking about doing that as well. And so far it's beginning to feel like the multiverse might soon need a revolution. while I am growing more powerful at a very rapid speed it doesn't inherently mean I'm evil. Perhaps power hungry from there point of view, but not outright confirmed to be a threat to the multiverse" chara "what makes it even worse on their end is the fact you can turn a small amount of information into a potential threat to the universe. And you mostlikely have a decent amount of knowledge about the multiverse by now, I'd even bet you could beat people on a higher axis than you with just your knowledge alone" frisk "just like some people say. Knowledge is power and I know a lot, but soon I need to obtain a sin soul to keep the demon Lord from being able to take control for long enough that I can fully prevent it" chara "oddly enough I thought ahead and copied the code from the sin soul I have before I took it. It couldn't hurt if you do this as well this time because it could be helpful someday, also any particular reason why you asked me about it?" Frisk "the reason why I asked you is because it could mess with the universe of where ever I take it from. And because you only exist in the moment I can't exactly go back in time to take it, and I'd rather not have to chose which universe will have an imbalance of power" chara then created a sin soul which frisk absorbed almost immediately after: chara "those are some decent reasons. And I did theorize that I might exist only in the moment so thanks for confirming that theory"

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