Divinetale chapter 4 the era of balance part 1

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The next day frisk teleported outside the universe. In the following month alphys injected herself with bravery. integrity. Kindness. Justice. Determination. Patience. And perseverance and became an archangel of knowledge joining the pantheon of the rising stars but now the pantheon of the rising stars noticed something. Humanity and most of monsterkind no longer remember frisk. Yet they all still remember her for some reason, toriel "we need to figure out what happened to frisk and why she was forgotten. This could be very important to the future and what we do from here"

 alphys "from what I remember frisk telling me before she was forgotten. An archangel and a demon Lord are each around as powerful as a deity. And from what else I recall frisk basically confirmed that our multiverse uses m-theory and our universe alone is a higher dimensional structure even without m-theory. In particular our universe has multidimensional time and from the fact that Cronus is the most powerful deity in the universe we can easily say he'd be powerful enough to destroy the universe. As such demon lords and archangel's Most likely exist beyond time to the same degree as Cronus. From there we can guess that frisk exists only in the moment" chara "in other words frisk was forgotten upon leaving the universe. And from the plan we had monsterkind along with humanity can rule the milky way and perhaps a few other galaxy's if given enough time. From this I can assume she probably made Cronus allow our kingdom to grow into a universal civilization to help us with the future"

chara (I think I know why frisk only exists in the moment. in fact if I'm correct then most likely I also only exist in the moment, after all both frisk and I felt like we did but didn't exist when we first created fake code) asgore "then why does alphys remember frisk?" alphys "undyne wanted me to become an archangel so I could always be safe in the event something happened when nobody was nearby. so even though I didn't remember frisk at that point in time when I became an archangel my memories of frisk returned" chara "I have a feeling the only reason why that happened was because you became an archangel so close to when frisk was forgotten. I also have a strange feeling that even with our combine power frisk eclipses all of us" alphys "I can understand. I didn't expect my memories of frisk to return. and frisk seems to grow more powerful as she learns stuff so knowing frisk that feeling most likely isn't too far off" asgore "is there anything important frisk mentioned that will help in the future?"

 alphys "she mentioned that our universe has hyperspace. this means when we make spaceships we can have them bind space to achieve faster than light travel, though I will need to work on technology for it as well as work on creating spaceships capable of using such technology" chara "I think I understand why frisk didn't tell me about hyperspace. my portals go beyond hyperspace" asgore "I can see why hyperspace would be considered important. that information alone could help kickstart the beginnings of our interstellar empire" as a few years went by asgore and toriel began to solidify there rulership of earth leaving all of humanity as part of the new empire. and like frisk thought they were given rights equal to sentient monsters where humans can gain noble titles if they earn them. but humans are not allowed to be the ruler of the empire as they have no claim to the throne but humans could still become kings and queens of there own part of the empire,

frisk became more and more known as a legend among humans and monsters. the pantheon of the rising stars eventually began accomplishing there goals' undyne became a general. papyrus became a hero. toriel opened a school of magic. mettaton became famous across the world. asgore began to master his magic and became a better ruler. chara always kept the bad parts of humanity in line and made good progress on mastering her magic but became known as a genie do to her ability to grant wishes. asriel was accepted as another being who guides souls to there afterlife's and has nearly mastered his magic, the minor gods in this time were getting closer to unlocking there respective domains while Cronus learned the last of his powers

a hundred years after that the empire of monsters had reached a technological singularity and learned to make use of the Dyson sphere they even began to make there first interstellar spaceships and colonized the entire solar system. the pantheon of the rising stars by this point became an official religion within the universe, but they had yet to learn what event happened in the multiverse because of all there progress

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