divinetale chapter 2 the paths of transcendence Part 1

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After the fight frisk transformed back to her human form and returned to the village the group followed frisk to the group's temporary house the group "we watched your fight how did you do that? and why did you kill the demon Lord? A being with infinite levels is also a godlike being so how did you overpower them?" 

Frisk "to start with how I overpowered the demon Lord I don't expect everyone to understand all of it. but how it happened is angel blasters use divine energy instead of normal soul energy to prevent any possible regeneration while also making the blast more powerful against demons/demonic beings. alongside the fact that Angel blasters are the same amount bigger than normal gaster blasters that they are more powerful than normal gaster blasters. it also doesn't help the demon lord that just like my other forms in my archangel form any magic I use is boosted to the level of power that form has which in this case is infinite. next why I killed the demon Lord it's simple I found out the demon Lord was the combination of all 7 wizards who sealed monsterkind underground. I'm sure anybody from our group would have done the same if they knew and had the power to do it. also it helps that the demon Lord was once the figures who invaded the underground. and lastly how I did that I guess you mean the transformations. to put it simply. when I was given the soul of sans I found out he had the ability to see all timelines but not what happens after his death. only when I got that power from sans I didn't have that limitation and as I've grown more powerful so to did this ability, and at this point I can see across most of time and space within the multiverse with very few restrictions but anyway I used this knowledge to grow more powerful to help deal with problems that happen in the future"

chara asriel papyrus and asgore (I guess there's more to how gaster blasters work than I thought and frisk has more form's?) the rest of the group (I guess I will need to ask what gaster blasters are at some point and just how many forms does frisk have?) the group "we apologize if asking that bother's you it's just if somebody lacks emotions it can be hard to tell why they do stuff as for your answers we can understand killing the demon lord and though it is harder to understand we can understand why you chose to grow more powerful in secret after all we can't see the future so we don't know what made you decide to get this powerful but at least we can trust you to be prepared for what the future has in store lastly aside from not knowing what forms you have (which we don't need to know for now) it seems you are knowledgeable about demons or at least know about them if you don't mind could you tell us about that stuff later" frisk "it's fine to ask me about all of this and I can understand what you mean regarding being emotionless I don't mind explaining what I know about demon lords as for my forms at the moment I have 7 forms counting my human form"

the group "glad that has been cleared up and we appreciate the knowledge about demon lords that you will give us as for the information about your forms we weren't expecting any information" frisk "I guess I will explain stuff about demon lords what I know about them is they are a being with 1 monster soul and 7 human soul traits at minimum the majority of which need to be negative/inverted those soul traits and soul/s then combine into a more powerful soul with demonic power also demon lords are counterparts of archangels demon lords aren't required to be a demon or part demon not all demon lords are evil and lastly demon lords have infinite stats from having infinite levels" the group "but I thought that 1 monster soul and 7 human soul traits make a being into a god" frisk "it can but a number of factors play a part in that such as if the being in question is already a god which is why most of the time if you have the reverse of the requirements to be a demon lord you end up being an archangel and yes asriel that means you weren't a god of hyper death you were an archangel of death though functionally there's very little difference in power between a god and an archangel the only real difference is that archangels don't have a domain where there power comes from which means archangels have the freedom to learn more or less any type of magic a god can so long as you have a way to access that type of magic while gods are restricted to there domains when it comes to power but the power of those domains is stronger than most archangels"

the group "I guess that makes sense" asriel (I guess I was wrong about how powerful I was but at the same time I wasn't too far off) the day after that conversation the group was on the way back to the underground but was interrupted by the beings who were watching frisk deciding to show up it turned out those beings were minor gods led by a single god

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