divinetale chapter 3 exploring the cosmos part 2

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Cronus "I guess I can understand, nobody from heaven or the underworld chose to help you so you chose to reach power unachievable by either side as you can't trust either of them and don't take orders from such beings" frisk "now that you understand me better I have a request, when the time comes would you let the kingdom of monsters from my set of timelines become a universal civilization, they would help with maintaining the universe and could help defend it" Cronus "this isn't a request is it, fine I'll allow it the god's could use help very once in a while and your to powerful for me to safely say no" frisk "a wise choice" frisk then snaped her finger and the space time continuum was fully repaired. though the universe still remained codeless

Cronus "I still don't know how you can do stuff like that with such little effort as a snap of a finger, and I've seen all of history in each set of timelines along with being not just a god of time but also the most powerful god in this universe" frisk "sans from my set of timelines could teleport with a snap of his finger, I was able to copy the code from you and the minor gods including your domain and the potential domains each of the minor gods could someday have, with that I am capable of doing anything a god of life/nature. death. time. war. light/space/stars, could be capable of with as little as a snap of a finger. in other words I can control all aspects of reality required for any universe that at some point had or has life with as little as a snap of a finger" Cronus "then how aren't you a god?" frisk "an archangel or a demon lord can be considered a god if they somehow obtain a domain do to the drawback of domains however a fallen angel exists beyond the drawbacks and limitations of domains"

Cronus "you know so much it's almost like your mind is extra dimensional" frisk "I mean most mortals would be insane if they even tried to read my mind. they just couldn't comprehend how much I know let alone the information my mind holds" Cronus "kitsune in some story's are known for there ability to infinitely comprehend. maybe that's why you aren't insane" frisk "I had a feeling you might have known that about me" Cronus "I don't know if you knew this but if code is what all concepts are made of then the law of cause and effect is closely connected with time because of the fact that with linear time there are scripted events in history and the existence of code means we are in some form of game or show or something" frisk "you forgot to mention the parallel sets of timelines. but yes cause and effect is closely connected to time even if warping reality is a method of manipulating the laws of cause and effect" Cronus "I guess I'm going back to working on Improving my power seeing as a domain gives absolute power over the concept within it and I still have a few things to learn about certain time based powers"

not long after Cronus left frisk decided to look around and after a few hours found a maze which she chose to fly over and found a soul containing the concept of virtue (how ironic. the gods and angels use virtue as the main source of divine power in this false heaven. yet no deity within the universe embodies any virtue enough to gain power from it. and few angels within the universe embody any virtues enough to gain power from it, still though It is impressive that despite this even the weakest angels have enough power to destroy city's) frisk then copied the code of the soul of virtue and absorbed the soul of virtue, frisk then snapped her finger returning back to 'the pantheon of the rising stars' exactly when chara did "welcome back both of you" frisk "thanks also undine and papyrus I'll create those souls for you both in a few seconds" frisk then created 2 souls. both of which contain the divine power of heaven and some of the power of the soul of virtue "just like you both requested. Here are the souls you need to be part angel and an archangel"

papyrus absorbed 1 of those souls "I feel more powerful already. and I sense quite a lot of divine power from you frisk, thanks for the soul" frisk "your welcome. also why you can sense that much divine power coming from me is because of a soul containing virtues and the fact I gave both of the souls I just created some of it's power, basicly giving us a spiritual connection so if you need more power you can barrow some of mine" papyrus "I see. thanks again" undine "thanks in advance" frisk "your welcome" after she said that undine absorbed the soul frisk created for her and could feel a spiritual connection with frisk. as well as feeling a significant amount more powerful

frisk "I think It's time we return to the underground. it's time for the beginnings of a new era for the universe. an era where humanity learns there lessons monsterkind rules the surface and together they begin to look to the stars" toriel "this sounds like a lot to accomplish but I can tell we will reach that future together. and I'll try to be more understanding in the future and be a teacher though I'll try to help more with the responsibility of being a ruler" asgore "I swear I'll try my best to Improve as a leader so that type of situation with people being sealed underground will not happen again. and along the way I'll try to get better with naming stuff" papyrus "I will strive to become something of a hero in that new era. capturing someone to be able join the royal guard doesn't seem like the good thing to do so perhaps it's time to leave that ambition behind" undine "in that new era maybe I'll become a general. but I'll definitely become a beacon of hope light and integrity for the universe"

chara "in this new era I plan to keep humanity in check and rid the universe of the worst humans in existence. though I also plan to be a guardian of the multiverse and perhaps also master my magic" asriel "as an archangel of death it's partly my responsibility to help bring the dead to there afterlife. but I will also be a protector of the multiverse"

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