divinetale chapter 4 the era of balance part 2

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While the pantheon of the rising stars and the empire of monsters don't know the event caused by them outside the universe. Frisk knew about it and expected it, frisk (while my universe may not have known it. I have become the balance event. As such it's my responsibility to help the balance of the multiverse. Regardless of if it's for good or evil because even balance needs help from time to time, but first I need to visit vampiric dust after all I shouldn't keep my simpai waiting and unprotected for too much longer) 

frisk then teleported into the set of timelines in dusttale that contains vampiric dust. This caused the minor gods and the God of dusttale to panic as they have never seen a being as powerful as frisk before. wisely they decided to just let frisk do as she wants and hopes she doesn't destroy the universe. During that time frisk watched as vampiric dust massacred all monsters in the underground. It seems he was even able to notice her before she arrived in the universe. And while he was nervous about her watching frisk never interfered as she knew that vampiric dust could handle each fight as they happened. He even defeated his version of frisk and chara (a decent feat for someone on this scale) afterwords he took there souls and made a graveyard for everyone he killed

Frisk then decided to reveal herself. vampiric dust "so you decided to show yourself" frisk "yes. I know you are probably wandering why I was watching you. To answer that question I'm working on forming a group to protect the balance of the multiverse (he probably will notice that isn't the only reason. But I'm not going to hide who or what I am from him, he already has trust issues with humans even if I'm only in my human form)" vampiric dust "what do I get out of this? (The time she appeared was to sudden to not be suspicious of what she asked. And while she clearly is some type of spirit her current form resembles that of a human. and while I haven't had many good experiences with humans now that she's not hiding it I can more clearly sense it, she's giving off an aura only a Yandere could have) frisk "to start with you'd be allys with all other members of the group when it's created. This includes the protection such a group would offer to it's members. Another thing is I could teach you more magic or how to use soul traits better, I'd even help you achieve higher amounts of power or even transcend entire dimensions"

 vampiric dust "then I accept (only an idiot would refuse such an offer. Even if it is a bit suspicious. But ultimately I can't risk her being a Yandere because then refusing the offer is gambling my life, on top of that I have a feeling I'm going to need her help fixing what I had to do to stop the cycle of genocide and either way this deal means I can explore the multiverse)" frisk "it's a deal. Also I'll be back later when you next need me, I have a few things to do and I don't want to take too much more of your time (based on the fact he was able to kill a version of chara means that he exists above a dimension of time. This means he will remember me)" vampiric dust "good bye then (I guess I'll go back to what I was doing)" 

Frisk then teleported into the heaven of dusttale and noticed the fear from a god and minor gods: frisk "it's interesting that even Dionysus A god of madness. Isn't mad enough to try to start a fight with me" Dionysus "I might be a god of madness. But you are something unknown to the universe, even the most insane beings in this universe don't mess with the unknown especially if the unknown is more powerful than them" frisk "in all honesty this was expected. While gods of madness would be expected to be insane there is no reason why they couldn't transcend madness. but by that same reasoning they aren't required to transcend the concept that makes up there existence, however I wouldn't have even needed to guess if you transcend madness because I can see across time and space across the multiverse"

Dionysus "based on what you said and how much power I can sense from you. It's clear you've become quite an anomaly as even a god might have trouble getting that much power" frisk " thanks I've been working on becoming more of an anomaly recently. But in a way I'd be inclined to say this universe is an anomaly to our set of universe's in the multiverse as it lacks a god of time and has a god of madness in it's place" Dionysus "madness is an aspect of chaos. Time is a mix of chaos and order, though chaos doesn't need time to exist and to my knowledge order is only part of how linear time operates" frisk " it's because of time paradoxes. Those who don't have control over the timeline and those who don't transcend time are subject to the laws of time. Though beings who control the timeline still have certain laws of time they are subject to they also have a few they are exempt from, mostly the more common time paradoxes such as the grandfather paradox"

Dionysus "that reminds me of a version of dust sans that goes by the name dustdust. He killed everyone in his underground and destroyed all the human souls. He also gained the power from each of the human souls because of that. Afterwards he traveled to a different branch of time to kill his past self and became the embodiment of hatred" frisk "1 this isn't the time to brake the 4th wall. 2 it's not in the correct order, 3 he's not even involved in this story"

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