Divinetale chapter 4 the era of balance part 6

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Frisk "your welcome. And thanks again for the copy of the sin soul, I'll be sure to copy it's code at some point" chara "just remember to use it well" frisk "I will. Also I've began the process of creating a small group to protect the balance of the multiverse, just thought I'd mention it in case you decide to join at some point" chara (she definitely seems different from before she left the universe. It's only a small difference though, but regardless I don't mind joining that type of group) "I don't mind joining. But it would be best if the empire at least reached the point of being a universal civilization before I do anything outside the universe, also I noticed something your somewhat different from before you left did you perhaps fall in love with someone outside the universe?"

Frisk "perhaps" chara (given frisk can see across time and space I'd find it very likely she has seen the person before frisk left the universe. And her behavior is somewhat different right now. If frisk met the person while she was gone that could be part of it. But that would mean frisk is probably a Yandere. More concerning is that she could be acting differently because she changed the branch of time the multiverse will go down, though with frisk being a Yandere at least she isn't the type who kills friends). Frisk "I think I'm going to join the meeting of the gods of the multiverse now. So bye for now" frisk then teleported outside the universe watching how demonic ink was joining the meeting and it turned out to be just some portal that doesn't allow physical beings to go through it. Just as frisk predicted.

And seeing into the portal for just that second alone was enough to give her the exact idea of what type of non physical dimension it was. It seems to be a dimension that contains the collective dreams and nightmares of everyone in every universe in the multiverse. In a way it could be described as the collective disembodied subconscious of everyone in every universe in the multiverse. After thinking about it for a little bit this made frisk wander if set theory was real though now wasn't the time to question something like that. Frisk then teleported into the dream dimension and it was quite a coincidence that she didn't go into a physical form so far after regaining the ability to swap between a physical and non physical form. Because if she didn't then she'd be forced out of it.

And when frisk arrived in the dream dimension she could tell she was currently powerful enough to able to do anything. Almost as if she was omnipotent while inside the dream dimension. It didn't even take a second to realize why because of the concept of lucid dreaming would mean anyone would be omnipotent within there dream. as long as they are aware of it being a dream. Another thing frisk noticed is that the dream dimension is the source of psychic energy and astral magic in the multiverse because of it acting as an astral plane. Perhaps this is why resting helped restoring the magic sans had when he wasn't combine with frisk but then sans mostlikely wouldn't have known. And yet another discovery frisk made was that within the dream dimension she could see every set of universe's in the multiverse in the form of rings around the core of the multiverse. The first ring contained her set of alternate universe's universe's along with there set of parallel universe's.

The second ring contained a set of parallel universe's involving fnaf. The third ring however contained what seemed to be parallel universe's of the my hero academia series. And lastly the forth ring contained parallel universe's involving the naruto series. Interestingly the universe's each were still able to be seen but were around the size of small pieces of strings. the pieces of string seem to be connected in a set of universe's by a bigger string. However this was the case for every set of universe's. And if frisk wasn't mistaken the dream dimension mostlikely acts as the string that connects to every set of universe's. The most interesting part of this is that each ring around the core of the multiverse remind her of the rings of Saturn in terms of the similar size difference between the rings and the object they fit around. As well as the fact that outside of the dream dimension each ring was barely connected and even then only at very specific locations.

exactly before the meeting started frisk teleported at where it was starting. Among those at the meeting who were startled were a deity named hypnos. Demonic ink. A version of gaster that appears to have red eyes and is wearing a very dark purple wizard robe with a matching wizard hat. A version of sans that seems to be an error. A version of sans that seems to embody positivity and luck. And a version of sans who seems to embody negativity and wisdom. Though there is also what appears to be a demon king messing with the possibilities of every universe and a eldritch deity that seems to be cthulhu. Overall it's very clear that the dream dimension is almost entirely alien to what the occupants of the multiverse actually know about there dreams and nightmares. Along with that is the fact that for frisk it's getting closer to the time to become an eldritch deity but still there's a few things to be done first so her plan will continue. And the multiverse within the mindscape of frisk grew to match what she has seen. But among those in this meeting everyone knows a war is on its way

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