Divinetale chapter 6 the true power of reality Part 1

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With the core of the multiverse now accessible by divine frisk. There was a lot she could now do. But the first and most important of which was something she would soon do. She copied every last piece of code within the core of the multiverse. While she knew aleph null + aleph null doesn't reach a higher aleph number. It still gives the abilities of everyone and everything within the multiverse that has code. This included angels. gods. demons. eldritch entities. Even archangel's. demon lords. any type of monster. animals. and insects. all the way down to some of the most seemingly inconsequential things like diseases. It didn't matter what set of universe's it was from. It doesn't matter what timeline it's from. It doesn't even matter what dimension within the known multiverse it's from.

She now had an exact copy of all the code divinetale originally had. Along with all domains that exist within the multiverse. There were domains for basically anything. From organic to inorganic. From physical to non physical. From living to dead. Even the elements along with time and space had domains. But in the end there wasn't a domain for nonexistence .anything related to eldritch entities. code. reality. or dimensions. It's probably for the best. Though each duplicate of every domain she had merged together. They each formed into an infinitely layered version of each domain. With this divine frisk felt she is now comparable to an omnipotent being. It has certain limitations but she still felt nigh omnipotent.

She then went into her fallen Angel form. She could feel it when she became enlightened. Her fallen Angel form could manipulate the concept of infinity. First she manipulated infinity to allow herself an infinite amount of infinites to manipulate. Then manipulated infinity to give herself infinitely bigger infinites until they were equal to the dream dimension. That would be high enough for now. She then made all of her soul traits infinite and made any future soul traits infinite by default. This gave her a feeling that the true power of her archangel form and her demon lord form was now unlocked.

Because of a fallen angel being a combination of a demon lord and an archangel it affected her fallen Angel form. It's power now grew a step above it's existence. And it now was entirely unable to be comprehended by even those who could destroy all sets of universe's in the multiverse. She was now about ready for her plans to take place. So she went back into her ghost form. There's No need to risk messing with her plans or to risk the sanity of the multiverse. There are a couple others who she thinks could use this power. Divine chara could use it so she'd be a candidate for being the empress of the underworld. Glitchtrap could use it to help with making him more important to the multiverse.

There was another thing to consider before those. Considering divinetale once held all the code available in the core of the multiverse. And the amount of code was around aleph null. Along with fact that divinetale is considered a primordial universe. And it's destruction would lead to the end of the multiverse. Not to mention that error message that suggests divinetale somehow created the multiverse. It suggests that divinetale is the alpha reality of this multiverse. This means she's been the most powerful being in the alpha reality. An alpha werewolf is more powerful than the others in it's pack. So an alpha reality is logically more powerful than it's creations. This begs the New question. How much control over reality did divine frisk have.

Before she could control the alpha reality as if it still had code. But never really did mess with reality that often. And back then she lacked a certain amount of raw power to control it on a large scale. She'd need to test this at some point soon. She can't stay curious forever without attempting to satisfy that curiosity at least a little. And there's almost nobody who could stop her from doing it. But now wasn't the time for that. It was time to elevate some of her friends and allys. First she summoned glitchtrap. Glitchtrap "where is this place?" Divine frisk "the core of the multiverse. Specifically the dimension within it. I summoned you here because I figured you might want a copy of the code"

Glitchtrap "actually I did want a copy of it. I'll probably need to do some self programming so I can still be able to go back in my universe afterwards. I'll probably use it for a new form. Also I'm starting to get decent with magic". glitchtrap then copied the code in the core of the multiverse. As he said he would. He ended up programming himself to have a new stronger form. He called that New form 'godtrap' and he programmed the extra code to improve the security of his code. He made his code be changing at a speed fast enough that he could travel in time if he ran at the exact same speed. This meant it was now nigh impossible to hack into his code. With that New power he was able to warp into his universe on his own.

Next was divine chara. Divine frisk summoned her easily enough. Divine chara "if I'm seeing this right. This is a dimension very far above even the dream dimension. I'm guessing you have a reason to summon me". Divine frisk "I do have a reason. This is the core of the multiverse. I thought you might want to copy it's code. This much power would allow you to become a candidate for being the empress of the underworld". Divine chara "not a bad idea honestly. Keeping humanity in check can be an annoying job at times. Though still a necessary job nonetheless. And with this power I could probably create avatars to do that while also gaining progress on becoming the empress of the underworld, it's a decent ambition at least".

 divine chara then copied the code from the core of the multiverse. This code connected with her demon lord form. This resulted in a demon queen form that is separate from her demon lord form. She then unsummoned herself back to divinetale. A god a devil and a fallen angel. A trio unrivalled across the known multiverse. And a trio unbound by fate and destiny. And most of them don't know there full capabilities. In time they will learn. And in time the multiverse will grow to be scared of there capabilities. and soon they will be put to the test.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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