divinetale chapter 3 exploring the cosmos part 1

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frisk "now our group is basicly a pantheon of godlike beings. yet we have no name for such a pantheon" asgore "perhaps we could call it 'the pantheon of the rising stars' unless someone has a better name" frisk "I think for now it's good enough. anyway it's time to pay a visit to the afterlife's" chara "I think I'll go to the underworld while you go to heaven. and everyone else should keep each other safe" frisk then teleported while chara made and walked through a portal. which disappeared when she walked though it (chara pov) just like I thought before frisk mentioned it there seems to be an underworld in the universe. but it also seems to act as a gateway to a higher dimension (most likely a bigger version of the underworld if she had to guess) chara then copied the code of the underworld without any demons noticing "that wasn't so hard but while I'm here I might as well see if there's something of higher importance"

after some exploration I eventually found a maze. it took a few hours to find the center but when I did I found it had some type of soul nearby "from what I can tell it seems to represent the concept of sin which explains why it had the maze as a form of protection" I then copied the soul's code then grabbed the soul absorbing it and then felt a missive amount of power flow through me as I've now become a demon lord that's empowered by the sins of humanity "I wander just how powerful I've become. though I can test that later now I need to return before any demon notices me" chara created a portal to 'the pantheon of the rising stars' and walked through it before any demon could do anything (unknown to chara her taking the soul didn't go unnoticed and now the demons are angry at her however they are unable to do anything about it as chara already was gone from the underworld before they had a chance to do anything)

pov frisk: I teleported safely in heaven far from any gods or angels and copied the code of heaven. I can tell this isn't the real heaven it just acts as heaven for this universe and is a gateway to the real heaven, not long after I was found by the gods (I had a feeling this would happen) Cronus "so you knew where the gods were and don't seem to be willing to listen to our rules" frisk "tell me if you claim to be a god where were you when the world needed you or needed your guidance? because no god worth worship would allow what happened to my set of timelines and just expect the few remaining sentient mortal beings to fix it. even if you were busy you could have just had another god fix it or just go back in time or something, so tell me from my point of view why would I trust a god that banished me to a different dimension just after I was nearly able to fix the planet" you feel overfilled with bravery

frisk (I feel infinitely more powerful and orange tattoo-like markings appeared on my body. perhaps the bravery trait in my soul is now infinite) Cronus "I guess I see your point. I could have done something like what you said, but as the god of this universe who leads the minor gods of this universe that type of stuff is beneath me as I rule the universe, not the planets within it" frisk "regardless of what you say that still puts it as your responsibility to have someone fix it or fix it your self. that is unless you want a new pantheon to take your place and as you have seen my group 'the rising stars' are capable of rising to such a challenge"

Cronus with a bit of fear in his voice "are you saying what I think you are saying?!" frisk "it's simple to understand. code is responsible for all concepts most gods require worship just to exist, a god could come back from the dead, but what if there code were to no longer exist" Cronus in a scared voice "they either get erased or they are beyond code and as such wouldn't be affected" frisk "now do you understand the danger you are in?" Cronus scared nodding "yes" frisk "it wouldn't have come to this if you had just asked why I messed with the space time continuum. and I wouldn't have threatened you to get my point across as soon if you had somebody fix earth from my set of timelines" Cronus with concern in his voice "but what about you gaining so much power and letting your friend group also gain around that much power"

frisk "you don't need to know however you are not powerful enough to be able to do anything about it, so I guess I will explain. to start with I became an archangel so I could stop a demon lord, why I chose to become a fallen angel is so not only would you not be a threat but also because I don't exactly plan to stay in the universe forever, as for why I chose to prepare to become an eldritch being it's because the multiverse is a dangerous place I'll need every advantage I can get from my universe even if I overprepared at worst It means I will be safe in the multiverse, and perhaps become a being that represents some form of transcendence"

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