divinetale chapter 2 the paths of transcendence part 2

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the group of gods introduced themselves "we are the guardians of this universe Cronus Ares Thanatos Apollo Hermes and Demeter" frisk "let me guess Greek mythology is real" Cronus "they got a lot wrong though. we each existed before the universe even had time or space and we live in harmony with one another and I don't know if other god's even exist within this universe" frisk "perhaps they exist in other universe's and I guess you all being primordial explains why I can only see one of each of you across time and space" Cronus "perhaps but as I was saying your actions have had an impact on the space time continuum it needs to be healed we don't know if we can trust you to not mess with time so we banish you and chara to the void" frisk "I can understand me but chara she has done nothing to time and space so why her?" Cronus "she also possesses this ability and while I can sense others who could she is the only one other than you who knows how to in a way that may be harmful to the universe" frisk "may chara and I do one last thing before we are banished" Cronus "sure but make it quick"

frisk and chara then quickly copied the code of Cronus Ares Thanatos Apollo Hermes and Demeter knowing it would likely be the only opportunity they will have for quite some time. after that dark purple portals appeared underneath frisk and chara while there group watched angerly powerless to stop the gods from what they have done (meanwhile with frisk and chara) frisk "it feels cold but not to the point where I should be frozen. I can feel some force trying to stop me from moving and like most would expect the void has no light at least not any that I can see also it seems that chara is unable to move. it seems the void lacks the concept of time, for now that doesn't matter I need to get chara to be able to move and I have an idea that could help. from where I am I can see some type of screen and in that screen I can see outside the void. it looks like there are 5 sets of parallel timelines stacked on one another in a hierarchy. each of the sets of timelines has infinite timelines is infinite in size and act as a universe within the universe while having different laws of physics"

frisk "the set of timelines at the bottom of the hierarchy lacks any form of magic or powers all they have is technology and a parallel version of me who has hardly any magic and the ability to travel in time however monsters don't exist stats don't exist and soul traits were never discovered in that set of timelines. the set of timelines above it does know about soul traits and magic exists but both monsters and stats don't exist and the parallel version of me in that set of timelines is nearly on the same level as a minor deity they were blessed with an unnaturally high amount of magic. the set of timelines above that one magic exists monsters exist soul traits were discovered and the parallel version of me is an archangel but stats don't exist. the set of timelines beneath the one I'm from monsters magic and stats exist soul traits were discovered but everyone is varying degrees of edgy and the parallel version of me is a demon lord I can respect. and lastly the set of timelines I'm from it has magic soul traits are know monsters exist stats exist not everyone is edgy and from what I can see there are some stars that are so cold they are frozen yet still somehow do there job of providing light to there planets"

frisk "with this information I can conclude the void is most likely infinite In size as it's above this hierarchy. but to give chara the ability to move in a timeless void in these circumstances she may need to gain the power of the void but it will leave no lasting damage to the void if I remove any of it to give to her" frisk then concentrated on using telekinesis and was able to rip a large chunk of the void off of the void and manipulated it into the shape of a soul and then moved it to Chara's soul which then absorbed the piece of the void then chara was able to move "chara by chance did you hear what I said because it seems there's more to how the universe works than even alphys would have thought and I'm starting to consider exploring the multiverse soon" chara "I did though it felt like you were talking extremally fast and I was unable to move at all" frisk "now that you can move what do you think we should do?" chara "clearly we should use this opportunity to grow more powerful any suggestions on how to do it"

frisk "copying code is a decent way that will be nearly unnoticeable by the gods as for me I think I might copy some code and take some soul energy from everything in each set of timelines in this universe (it's time I show them I mean business I only let the gods banish me to the void because I didn't know about the void I expected them to show up in the first place because I gained enough power to see them while they were watching me using a crystal ball from there it wouldn't take a genius to understand they had a problem with me) as frisk suggested chara copied the code from each set of timelines while frisk copied the code of the void the code of each set of timelines and took soul energy from one of each individual living thing from each set of timelines but chara was uncertain about something "if you don't mind me asking why did you chose to take soul energy moreover from so many things" frisk "I learned that to transform into something all it takes is a certain amount of soul energy from that something which means if I mix it all with my soul energy I gain near if not outright infinite forms I can take if you count hybrids of them. In other words I'm taking a few preparations to become an eldritch being"

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