Divinetale chapter 5 the multiversal war Part 4

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With the true knowledge of her power. Divine frisk used her telekinesis and began manipulating the code that makes up time and space. With barely any effort she created a portal to vampiric dust. After she went through the portal it glitched itself closed. She could sense that vampiric dust was absorbing some of the madness of the multiverse. It seems he now can't contain anymore of it and was unable to exit his mindscape. While being very careful she was able to use her telekinesis to pull vampiric dust out of his mindscape and back into his body. This allowed him to keep the madness he claimed and have the opportunity to get more later. This form of madness was highly similar to the chaos within the mind of divine frisk. It didn't even touch the sanity of whoever has it and provides a form of insight to the true nature of the multiverse.

divine Frisk "just as I said. I've arrived when you next needed me. In hindsight I probably should have told you the name of my universe. It's divinetale just so you now know" vampiric dust "that means I should have been referring to you as divine frisk. But that's in the past now. The fact your universe is called divinetale implies a few things. The most obvious of which is that your a godlike being. I don't blame you for forgetting to tell me about that when we last met each other. I just didn't think I'd be friends with a being who is practically a deity".

Divine frisk "funny thing about that. I've always been a being known as 'the balance event'. The balance event is one of many people who can't leave there universe unless the balance of the multiverse is at risk. I was unaware of this until I existed my universe. The balance event is also Destined to grow more and more powerful until they can restore balance to the multiverse. Even if they need to transcend balance itself" vampiric dust "that honestly explains a few things. You've always been powerful from my perspective. You're always had the balance of the multiverse in mind. True it's your Destiny to be powerful. But you've always remained who you truly are. You are more than the vast power you contain and are destined to have".

divine frisk "thanks for the complement. And for accepting me for who I am. I can tell you from experience that we both trusted humanity an equal amount when we first met. Before I fell into the underground in my universe. Let's just say I didn't have a happy reason to fall into the underground. It doesn't help that when I was in the underground I was forced to live in a cycle of genocide neutral and pacifist timelines in that particular order. It wasn't me or my version of chara who did this. In some universe's the 'chara' of the universe is responsible for the genocide. In others it would be the 'frisk' of that universe. But in some. It turns out it's all because of a player. There's a reason why glitchtrap is able to be classified as a glitch".

Vampiric dust then gave divine frisk a hug. They both have experienced some of the worst of humanity. They clearly are at least friends. And friends don't let each other deal with there pain all alone. This hug ended up lasting an hour before they both wanted to leave this dimension. Divine frisk then manipulated the code that makes up the dimensions of time. The result was a portal into the dimension of time they are from but the location was outside the sets of universe's. It seems to be the dream dimension. Vampiric dust then went into his archangel of death form and walked through the portal. Divine frisk soon followed him and closed the portal after they were both in the dream dimension.

They both arrived in time to see demonic ink walk through a portal of his own creation. Divine frisk knew this would happen but cared more about vampiric dust then the consequences of demonic ink living longer. She even knew the perfect way to contain the existence demonic ink. It would require her other plan but it would affect him in a way that demonic ink would never learn about. And it would limit demonic ink to never be able to rise to her level of existence. To start the plan divine frisk is just waiting for the last attempt demonic ink will have at killing her. She doesn't need to see what she does in the future to know exactly what demonic ink would do. She's seen the full history of demonic ink up to the present.

The domain of chaos likely is why. Chaos isn't required to exist in the past present or future. But chaos seems to eventually not be part of the future of the multiverse. In other words demonic ink has no 'future' Although he still seems to be trying to destabilize the balance of the multiverse. And with the exact details of his past. Divine frisk knows demonic ink will try to send someone to the end of time and space if he's desperate to defeat that someone. And with demonic ink being her enemy it's only a matter of time before he gets desperate enough. And the fire from the soul of cruelty is a big reason why he is forced to consider it. In the meantime it's better to look into the higher dimensions. They will provide just what she needs and help others reach a similar amount of power.

And divine frisk is going to show demonic ink just what the balance event is capable of. Along with why she lives up to her name as a divine being.

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