divinetale chapter 2 the paths of transcendence Part 3

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chara "what do you mean by eldritch being?" frisk "long story short we aren't exactly alone in the void. because the void has spiritual beings native to it that represent abstract concepts such as life death chaos order good and evil just to name a few" chara "we should probably leave soon then also why do you want to become an eldritch being in the first place?" frisk "long story short to show those gods that they should leave us alone and because I know my will is unbreakable so there's no reason I'd change to be a completely different person from who I am" chara "I guess I understand? but before you complete that process is there anything in particular I should know about this" frisk "first it will be a while till I get to that point. second it will mean I will lack a physical form entirely third the void soul I made for you can allow you to become a eldritch being if you ever decide you want to" chara "why didn't you also make a void soul for yourself? also thanks for giving me a choice to become an eldritch being rather than not letting me have the ability to decide that on my own"

frisk "I didn't make a void soul for myself yet because I don't want to at the moment and I can create one for myself anywhere now that I have access to the code within the void also I may have found out how to manipulate matter using telekinesis" chara "I guess fake code will be more useful than I thought the ability to create souls alone is near if not outright godlike. and matter manipulation is a useful tool to have as well" frisk "any way shall we return?" chara "if possible I'd like it to be before our group got angry at the gods" frisk "as you wish" frisk then snapped her finger and they disappeared from the void back into there set of timelines (meanwhile with the gods) Cronus "it seems they were able to escape. and frisk seems to be going down a forbidden path of power. it seems frisk also has power over reality to some extent" Thanatos "maybe we should have asked them to explain why they harmed the space time continuum rather than banished them and it appears they are no longer able to be killed by me without destroying there soul but I have a feeling they both may comeback from that. it almost reminds me of the origins of the man who speaks in hands" Cronus "you know as well as I do not to mention that name he could be watching us as we speak and we don't want him to pay a visit. if he does it could end the universe as we know it" 

meanwhile in the primordial void "it seems they are growing more powerful. perhaps it will be safe to visit them someday after all" meanwhile with the divinetale main cast "I really wish we could do something about what the gods did" then frisk and chara appeared exactly where they were "not that we aren't glad you both are back but the odds of this happening at that particular moment are astounding" frisk "that's why I chose to return at that particular moment and it's also the most convenient for all of us" chara "the pun you said before we returned was quite good especially with the timing" the group "so what did you see while you were there?" frisk "to put it simply not even alphys would have guessed how the universe works. also we are not alone in the universe but I mean that in more than one way" the group "so your saying aliens are real and there may be stuff native to the void?" frisk "yes and if it helps I was planning on telling you guys about the aliens soon before the gods decided me and chara needed to be in the void" the group "I guess we will learn more about the aliens later. but we need something to at least match the gods in power we can't fully trust them so we need them to see us as equals so that they will leave us alone"

frisk "if guys want I can give you guys souls because I learned how to create souls so you guys can became demon lords archangels. or perhaps a fallen angel" the group "a fallen angel?" frisk "that's a combination of a demon lord and an archangel and out of our group I'd be the most likely to know" asriel "as an archangel I think I'm fine with being what I am" everyone in the group aside from frisk chara and asriel "when were going to tell us?" asriel "I'll be honest I don't know but given the circumstances I had no choice but to tell everyone so I apologize for not telling" asgore "I'll also be honest I became an archangel around the same time as frisk but I'd like to be a fallen angel. as king I need to be powerful enough to protect my kingdom we can't rely on frisk's help forever after all" frisk "I understand but you forget I'm immortal and I'd never abandon a friend In need so I will give you what you asked" frisk then created a copy of the soul of the demon lord that lacks it's consciousness then gave it to asgore who then absorbed it

toriel "I think I'd like to be an archangel" frisk "you have determination kindness integrity and justice so I'll give you patience bravery and perseverance" frisk then created souls with those traits and gave them to toriel who absorbed each of the souls "thanks" frisk "no problem" papyrus "I'd like to be an archangel but I'd like to be part angel" frisk "we will need to wait on the angel part but I will leave that for later as for what I'll give you for now seeing as you have determination kindness and bravery I'll give you justice integrity and perseverance" frisk then created those souls and gave them to papyrus who then absorbed them "thanks also why do we need to wait on angel souls?" frisk "I haven't been to the underworld or heaven so I can't create souls from there" (he isn't ready to know about code just yet so this Is the best I can tell the group in a way that can make sense) undyne "I'd also like to be an archangel and be part angel" frisk "A protector of the universe though not required would be fitting to be an angel. as for what I will give you for now seeing as you have determination integrity and justice I will give you kindness bravery and patience" frisk then created those souls gave them to undyne and undyne absorbed those souls

mettaton "I'd like to be a demon lord" frisk "kind of fitting after all there are so many story's with demon robots. seeing as you have automation patience and perseverance I'll invert your perseverance to apathy and I'll give you fear hate kindness and dishonesty" the group "I didn't even know automation was a soul trait" frisk "understandable after all it's exclusive to humans with a particular interest in technology or monsters that possess a robot" frisk then inverted the perseverance of mettaton into apathy and like the previous times created and gave those souls to mettaton who then absorbed those souls (I think I'll create a soul of automation for myself later) chara "I'd like to become a demon lord that is part demon" frisk "as I expected. seeing as you have a void soul determination hate and kindness I'll invert your kindness into cruelty and I'll give you fear apathy and justice" the group "a void soul?"

frisk "I created it for her while we were in the void. normally a void soul is something a human can only have if they are void of something impotent in there life and a void soul contains eldritch power that can rival or surpass most gods" frisk inverted Chara's kindness into cruelty and both created and gave those souls to chara who absorbed those souls "would anybody like a void soul or am I done creating souls for now" asgore "if you don't mind. I could someday need one so it would be best to get it now" frisk then created a void soul and gave it to asgore who then absorbed it

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