divinetale chapter 3 exploring the cosmos part 3

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within a few days the pantheon of the rising stars arrived back in the underground and frisk decided to pay a visit to alphys "so alphys how has it been as acting ruler while we were gone" alphys "it's been good mostly. lot's of people were questioning where you all went but that was easy to explain however I've discovered a few disturbance's in space-time" frisk "that was me and chara. we found out a lot about the universe and can travel across dimensions within the universe" alphys "do you mind explaining some of it. this could potentially change the future of the kingdom" frisk "to start with we are in a set of timelines that contains infinite branch's of linear time. there are 5 total sets of those timelines in the universe. each of the sets of timelines are of infinite size and the timelines in them are parallel to our timelines but have different physics from each other"

alphys "continue" frisk "these sets of timelines act as a universe within the universe. these sets of timelines also exist in a hierarchy but the sets of timelines are contained in hyperspace. each set of timelines could be accessed via hyperspace. outside of hyperspace is a infinite sized timeless void with eldritch beings who's existence is abstract in nature. we also have a heaven and an underworld within the universe. but the void heaven and the underworld seem to have some form of nearly inaccessible gateway to a higher version of there respective dimension" alphys "what type of hyperspace" frisk "by binding space we could use hyperspace as a higher dimensional tunnel to travel faster than light. we aren't in some science fiction story" alphys "well that will make space travel considerably less difficult. anyway by chance do you know if we have a multiverse because if we do then I think I have a decent guess as to what the cosmology of it may be" frisk "yes we do have a multiverse. it contains infinite universes that seem to be parallel to each other. I think It may have a nonphysical dimension around all universes and I can sense the core of the multiverse contains infinitely more power than all the universes in the multiverse put together infinite times"

alphys "so in other words we have just confirmed our multiverse most likely uses some version of m-theory and confirmed we have afterlife's. and our universe is so big it could fit most of a normal version of string theory" frisk "I agree it does fall in line with most versions of M-theory. even more so with the fact that each set of timelines has a secondary temporal dimension called eternity" alphys "if it's fine to ask. how did you gain this knowledge" frisk "to put it simply I learned about eternity from the time I was controlled. to be specific there have been timelines where Flowey may have taken all the human souls from the underground along with the souls of all monsters to become asriel" alphys "wait does that mean?" frisk "yes. the remains of asriel were absorbed into the exact same flower that you injected with determination. only he's no longer fully a monster. because of the determination being injected into the flower asriel in a way was reborn though it was with a cost. he felt little to no emotion as a flower, though this is getting off topic"

alphys "my bad (this very interesting I may need to talk to asriel about this later. though still I have a feeling I might not like all of that story) please continue" frisk "anyway like I was saying. how I learned everything else is because when I absorbed the soul of sans I found out he could see all timelines but nothing past when he dies. and as I've been getting more powerful so to has that ability until It evolved to the point where I can see across most of time and space on a multiversel scale. the problem was It was limited in the fact I was unable to see most dimensions in each universe, but now I have gone beyond such limitations as after visiting a few such as the void I permanently gained knowledge of each dimension in the multiverse and from that I can clearly see everything in each universe in the multiverse" alphys (noted frisk seems to be empowered by knowledge and has achieved something akin to godhood It's definitely a good thing she's on our side. because if she wasn't then from her existence alone we would have been doomed) frisk "just so you know. the reason why I told you all of this is so someone would know after I leave the universe and you are the person most qualified to know this. also before you ask why I'm going to leave the universe has nothing to do with disliking anyone but rather that I can't protect everyone as well as I could if I stay in this universe and either way I have a few things I want to do that I can't if I just stay in the universe"

alphys "I understand. I guess I'll get started writing down this information so we will be able to put it to use later" frisk "sounds like a good idea. also if you need me I'm going back to the surface for a while" meanwhile back on the surface, chara "it's almost time for humanity's revival" frisk "the preparations have been made" chara "then it's now time. I wish for the world to be fully restored but remain codeless" with a snap of her finger chara restored the world reviving all of humanity from the current few generations. But in the process revived all monsters and creatures of supernatural origin that should still be alive yet also fully restored every eco system on earth including not just their environments but also every plant animal and insect

Frisk "with the world truly restored to what it should be it's time for showing humanity what a little kindness can do" with a snap of her finger frisk used kindness to create a Dyson sphere around the sun 'you feel over filled with kindness' frisk (it seems my kindness soul trait is now infinite. Just like my bravery and even with the infinite power I have from my bravery I now am infinitely more powerful than that thanks to my biggest act of kindness for humanity as they too deserve a chance to travel the galaxy's. But they can't fully be trusted for quite a long time so they are just part of the country owned by the monarchy of the kingdom of monsters however they will all have equal rights to monsters they just can't rule the country as an emperor or empress but can gain a certain amount of noble status if they earn it)

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