Chapter 31

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~Zayn's P.O.V~

I continue to walk the halls pushing everything out of mind that Riley just spewed out of her mouth. I don't care that she loves me, I don't care what she thinks of me. I just want this to be over.

I just want that night to never have happened.

I walk until my feet hurt. I've been looking for these guys for fucking ages. I know they never go to class. I pull out my phone and check the time. 7:35. Class started about a half an hour ago.

"Ugh....fuck it," I groan throwing my hands up when I've went outside and searched all the room by the outdoor side of the campus about five minutes after I check the time. I decide to just go to class and figure all this out tomorrow until I spot smoke slowly flowing out the the bottom crack of a door in a school supply closet. I walk towards the door and put my hand on it.

Ice cold.

If there was a fire this door would be blazing hot. I put my ear to the door hearing faint giggles and whispers. Hearing enough I yank the door open and there they stand. The two assholes I went to the party with and Cody all smoking a blunt. I shake my head as they quickly try to put it out and fan away the smoke. They all came into the outdoor hall closing the supply room door right after as they laughed uncontrollably.

"Hey, party animal," Josh laughed, and so did his other friend along side him, Jack. I roll my eyes as Cody laughs as well.

" I heard you were very busy last night. I wish I could've been there to see it," he smiles halfheartedly, I do the same sarcastically back to him.

"I know it was crazy last night! Josh and Zayn got WASTED," and Jack begins to laugh again.

"What do you mean?" I ask leaning back against the wall and he instantly gets quiet.

"You mean you don't remember?" He asks slowly. I shake my head and Josh and Jack gasp.

"Well then do I have a story for you," Jack chuckles. "Well you see last night we went to two parties. One at Fittens house and a Frat party. I of course didn't get wasted because I was the designated driver, but it was just as fun watching you two get piss poor drunk!"

"Continue," I say not even realizing we went to two places. God, I must've been out of it.

"Well then you started complaining about the party being incredibly lame, then just minutes later you're all over this blonde chick. Needless to say you and her got a bit for that just aquatinted that night," he chuckled nudging Cody in the arm.

"Weird though, she looked faintly familiar, but it was dark and I gave no fucks so I didn't bother looking into the girl Zayn put his dick in," Jack shrugged. I groaned putting my hands over my face dragging them down realizing that Riley was probably telling the truth.

"Then after you were done, you bragged about how good she was, and after we noticed all the lipstick and shit we bailed and went to Fittens party you went upstairs I suppose to get all freaky with Riley-" Jack continues and Cody looks away with a scowl apparent on his face at the mention of me and Riley. It obviously rubbed him the wrong way.

"But you never came back, and that's what happened. Of course that's not ALL the details but I'm sure you didn't want all the details, did you?" Jack questions me staring at his hand for some odd reason. I nod.

"Do any of you guys know someone with the initials D.A.H?" Cody looks up at me sharply his eyes wide. The haste of his movements frightened me in the slightest.

"D.A.H?" Cody repeated. I nod noticing why the school officer hasn't came yet or if no one is watching the camera, because I don't want to be here if they get caught.

"Yeah," I confirm and pull the lipstick contained in my pocket and Cody and the others' eyes get wider. I look at them confused. "What?" I shrug.

"I thought I'd never find that shade I lost," a girl says behind me. I turn to see her standing behind me, her green eyes pierced mine. Her blonde waves sit on her chest as she crosses her arms over one another. Her lips were unbearable pink and her face was as pale as a ghost, but she was beautiful nonetheless.

She takes the lipstick container from me and examines it, when she spots the initials her eyes light up, and then she looks back to me. She smiles and looks me up and down and before I know it her lips are on mine, but as quickly as it happened is as quickly as it stopped.

"Well it's nice to see you again," she smiles brightly. My mouth is hung open. I couldn't say anything, much less comprehend what just happened.


"Yup. D.A.H. Delilah Abigail Hunter," she announces proudly, and it hit me.

"Uh...Cody? Isn't your last name Hunter? What's she like, you're cousin?" I turn to look at him, and he is trembling. Literally seething with anger.

"No...that's...that's my fucking sister..." He growled under his teeth.


Sorry guys I'm gonna update way more now I promise 😅

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Love you guys!


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