Chapter 25

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~Zayn's P.O.V~

I pull up to her house putting the car in park. I pull out my phone after I check the time and quickly dial her number. It rings twice before she picks up.


"Are you almost ready school starts in like twenty minutes" I say looking at the time on the clock in my car.

"And it takes five to get over there. I'll be done in a second. It's not as easy as it looks to get clothes on over this belly," She chuckles into the phone.

"Okay okay, sorry," I sigh into the phone, realizing that was kind of a dick move.

"Just come inside and wait for me,"

"Umm, did you forget about a certain someone who likes men a little more than the average man and who hates my fucking guts that lives in your house?"

"Don't be a puss Zayn," She laughs.

"I don't know..." I trail off.

"You either come in or you don't. Other than that bye, your hindering me from putting on my clothes." She says then the line goes dead. I shake my head smiling but not exactly sure if I want to go in because I think her dad will murder me with a stack of hidden dildos piled in his closet.

Wait what?

What the fuck just happened to my mind?

I start laughing as I get out the car and head to the front door feeling confident until the door swung open revealing a casually dressed Mr. John Summers.

"Mr.Summers," I nod.

"Asshole," He says back shifting his weight to one leg. We stand there in awkward silence as the clock ticks on. Him glaring at me and me trying to look everywhere but at him. I sigh wishing he didn't hate me so much.

"Look Mr.Summers, I know you may not like me very much-"

"May?" He questions me titling his head.

"Don't like me very much, but you have to believe me when I say I love your daughter with everything in me. I know you might think I've...tainted your daughter, but I'm going love her with my last dying breath, our baby too," I say running my hand through my hair. "I mean I know I'm not perfect but-"

"I'm ready!!" Mr. Summers and I look over to see Reign waking down the steps. She smiles from ear to ear as she spots me and stops in front of me, her hand rubbing her belly.

"I'm ready, Zayny," She smiles up at me.

"Elciting," I say raising my eye brows at her. She tilts her head at me smiling even bigger than before.

"Elciting?" She questions me.

"Elated and excited," I say back.

"Ahh, very elciting," she says and we chuckle together and share a small kiss. She turns to her dad giving him a kiss on his cheek before taking my hand and nearly dragging me out the house. I tell her I'll be outside in a second as she walks to the car and I turn back to her dad.

"I really do love her," I smile at him. He has a brief smile on his face before slamming the door in my face nearly closing it on my fingers. I sigh turning around jogging to the car. I get in, slamming the door in the process and lay my head on the steering wheel.

"Still hates you?" She laughs.

"It's not funny," I say as I back the car out then put the car in drive and she laughs harder.

"He'll warm up Zayn. When he realizes that I love you just as much as you love me, he'll give in." She smiles ruffling my hair.

"Have I ever told you that your awesome?"

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