Chapter 17

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~Zayn's P.O.V~

I paced the room of the hospital not exactly sure what the fuck was going on. One hour and thirty minutes ago Reign was mad at me beyond belief. Then one hour ago we were having sex. Consensual sex. Now I'm in the hospital,losing my fucking mind.

I sit in the chair trying to contain myself, trying to think that she's okay, but I can't be sure and that freaks me out even more. What if she's permanently scarred for life?

...What if she loses her baby?

The thought only is enough to make me get up and head to the receptionists desk. As soon as the girl at the receptionists desk saw me walking towards her she began to check how she looked in her computer screen. I reached the desk and the girl smiles up at me showing all her extremely white teeth.

"Hi," she says moving her hair behind her ear.

"Hello," I say a bit awkwardly when she continues smiling up at me." I want to check on a patient," I clear my throat and place my hands in my pockets. She jumps up at immediately starts typing at the computer as if she forgot that was her job.

"Name?" She questions me.

"Reign Summers," she gives me a confused look like everyone does when they hear her name. She continued typing away at the keyboard she furrowed her brow before looking up to me.

"Oh well, she's actually in ICU,"

"ICU?" I question her.

"Intensive Care Unit, meaning she's under constant watch, being as her injuries may be life threatening," she explained still typing at the computer.

"So can I see her?" I ask placing my hands on the counter to stable myself.

"Sorry only immediate family is allowed due to the fact that she just entered the hospital in such a....bad state," she said struggling to find the last two words.

"What the fuck? What does not being family have to do with me being able to see her?" I begin to get angry and the girl starts to frown.

"Sorry," she says simply. I groan and bang my hands on the counter once before heading back to the chair. I fell back into the chair and lean my head back as far as it could go ignoring the looks that I keep getting from the people around me for the scene I made at the desk.

I felt my eyes getting heavy, I've been up since six this morning and it's now almost eleven o clock. I was beginning to promise myself not to fall asleep until I see Reign, but I know I'd break that promise. My eyes flutter closed to the scene of the paramedics taking her out of my arms.

"Reign! Reign? Oh god," I whimpered taking out my phone to call 911."Hello? Yeah my...girlfriend is bleeding...very badly. Reign?" I said into the phone as soon as they picked up. I hear a light groan from her as the operator told me someone's on the way. I put the phone down walking to the bed and lifting her gently off the bed and into my arms placing a blanket over her and not caring about the blood on me anymore.

"Reign, baby, you alright? Can you hear me?" I said into her ear stroking her hair. She groaned and lightly gripped the collar of my shirt.

" hurts," she barely spoke.

"I'm gonna get you to the hospital okay," I say hearing the faint sounds of sirens outside. I stood up with her in my arms going downstairs as quickly as I could and going outside to meet the ambulance. I soon as I got outside they pulled up moments later backing into my driveway. Two men jumped out the back of the ambulance getting a stretcher out of the back and setting it up before taking her from my arms. I stood in silence watching as they pushed her into the back and reached out for me to join them in the back of the truck. I wanted to grab his hand but my body wouldn't move and my eyes wouldn't move from Reign laying motionless on the stretcher. The man hit the side of the truck a few times before swinging the doors shut and pulling away whirring it's familiar siren down the silent street.

I was torn from my memories when I felt myself being lifted from the chair I sat in. Before I could even process what was happening, a fist connected with the right side of my face causing me to lose balance and fall to the floor. Seconds later I felt someone on top of my punching me over an over again. I couldn't figure out what was happening. One second I was sitting, browsing through my memories, the next I'm on the floor being hit repeatedly by this random guy. He got about six more hits in before someone pulled him off me. I gripped my head because everything was blurry I couldn't even recognize my surroundings.

My vision on my left side started to clear and I saw the security man putting handcuffs on the guy that I'm assuming attacked me. It took me until they were heading out the door to realize it was Reign's father.


Kind of a short chapter so don't hate me! :D

But you guys are getting updates more often I suppose so it can't all be bad! Another thing! You guys should follow me...just saying ;3

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