Chapter 41

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~Reign's P.O.V~

This day at school has been equally as painful as I expected it to be. I walk down the steps the hallways empty, because the bell has yet to ring. I take my time descending the steps trying not to put so much pressure on my stomach.

Being pregnant is a lot of work.

Knowing there is someone inside you that is solely dependent on you, is a tough burden to bare. And I now have no problem baring it. This child I'm going to have is gonna to be an extension of me, and unfortunately of his or her father too, but just because of that does not mean I plan to love this baby any less than if I was impregnated by the man I loved, or the man I thought I loved. I sigh as I reach downstairs and there is already some, not a lot, of people down here waiting for the buses to arrive. 

It's been so long since I've rode the bus. I haven't been on the bus in about six months, being that Zayn would always come and pick me up from school and take me home, and even though I was late almost 77% of the time I enjoyed it, but Zayn is no longer around. After I basically booted him from my life I haven't seen him since, not even at school. I wonder if he still goes here or if he even still goes to school for that matter. My thoughts are interrupted when I'm tapped on the shoulder. I turn around and groan when my eyes are met with Mitchell's.

"What?" I say turning back around, wondering why he's out here if the bell to dismiss class hasn't even rung yet.

"You're riding the bus? Are you sure that's...healthy?" He asks me. I turn to look at him and his face looks disgusted.

"Yes Mitchell, because I'm gonna become infected with the plague as soon as I walk on the bus," I say sarcastically as I begin to get impatient waiting for the bell to ring.

"No I'm not saying that! The bus rides are hella bumpy, and I'm just saying maybe it'd be safer if you rode in a car," He said shrugging, when I looked back to him.

"Let me guess, your car?" I turned back to him completely, and he looked away his face getting the slightest color red. I scoffed and turned back to the double doors.

"I mean if you want to go on the bus then go, but I'm not sure how your gonna be able to handle those people on there,"

"And what do you mean by that?"

"I mean I saw the way they were treating you today, the way everyone's been treating you. I don't know what you did to make everybody so hateful towards you, but if I were you I wouldn't want to ride a bus with people that don't like me, but if you want to, then by all means," he gestures towards the buses that have just pulled into the lot. I begin to think about what he's saying, and, as much as I'd hate to say it, he's right.

"Fine," I turn and look up at him, since he towers over me much like in middle school.

"What? No please?" He smirks. I turn around and begin to walk off and he bursts into laughter grabbing onto my hand before I can go any farther. "I'm kidding, cmon," I snatch my hand away from his grip.

"Don't touch me," I say and he holds his hands up defensively and then bows, gesturing towards the student parking lot.

"After you madam," He says faking a surprisingly good English accent. I scoff and walk past him, and I hear him laugh behind me. I try to push the smile away, but I can't, the way he laughs has always made me smile, even back when we were still together. It's a shame it still has some type of affect on me.

As we walk into the student parking lot we hear the bell for the entire school's dismissal. We hurry along trying to reach the car before a storm of kids come pouring out of those doors. When we reach his car he opens the door for me, assisting me in even though I tried to slap his hands away. He gets into the other side and quickly starts up the car, and we are the first ones to leave the parking lot. I look up at him taking in how much he has changed since I last got a really good look at him back when I didn't hate him a few years ago.

His brown hair short lightly spiked up on his head, his eyes stilled burned a beautiful brown with more than enough freckles peppered all over his face. His extremely pink lips were parted slightly as he focused on the road. He glanced over to me and caught me staring at him, and he winked at me. I quickly averted my head but not before I felt my cheeks start to get insanely hot. He laughs in his seat as we continue down the road to my house.

"So why are you really here Mitchell, because I know you wouldn't get yourself kicked out," I say looking back over to him. He glances over at me for a second then his eyes are back on the road.

" daughter," He says as we stop at a traffic light. How could I almost forget he had a child? He only slept with my then best friend and got her pregnant.

The irony.

The only thing different about our situation is that Mitch dumped me for Annabelle, and I haven't heard from her since.

"Your old is she now?" I asked as the light finally turned green, after about a century of waiting.

"Gosh she's about three now," he smiles probably getting lost in his memories of his daughter.

"I thought you moved away, that summer actually, after you found out when Annabelle was pregnant," I spoke softly, placing my hand on my stomach rubbing small circles as my hand rested on it.

"My mom forced me to. After I told her about the pregnancy and that Anna was going to keep it, my mom wouldn't accept the fact that I would man up, and take care of them, both. So she had me shipped out to Connecticut to go live with my dad." His voice was soft as we pulled into my driveway and he put the car in park.

"I tried to reason with her, hell we both did, Anna and I, but she refused. When I told Anna that my mom was still sending me away, she was sad, but more angry than anything. She started saying some stuff about my mom, and I tried to defend her and I said some stuff I didn't mean..." He trailed off in his sentence looking up at the roof of his car.

"To make a long story short, she wasn't exactly 'sad' to see me go. The night I said those things to her we broke up, and the relationship we have now is...rocky, but I'll the time I've been in Connecticut I've missed important things like Haley's birth, her birthdays, the first time she walked, just...everything." He sighs the last part as if he's regretting letting his mom send him away more than ever.

"When you saw me, I think maybe three weeks ago, I was actually there to see them, and when I saw Haley, my daughter, I just..." He trailed off again staring off into space.

"I realised how much I missed in her life. It took a few weeks to gather the money and convince my dad that I was leaving, but I just had had to be done. So here I am!" He said getting a bit more excited at the end.

"Wow," I simply stated, shocked but happy that he loves his daughter enough to leave where he was comfortable to come and be with her.

"Yeah...Here let me help you out." Mitchell quickly got out of the car and came opened my door and helped me to my door.

"You know it's crazy you still know where I live after like three years," I say a bit surprised.

"You were more important to me then you realize," he smiled before he waved and walked back to his car. I waved back and began to open my front door.

"You still are you know!" He yelled as he got into his car. I looked back and rolled my eyes before I stepped inside and as I do I hear his laughter behind me and as I close the door an involuntary smile crept up on my face.

"Oh god," I face palm.
Don't hate me 🙏🏾

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