Chapter 10

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~Reign's P.O.V.~

His first reaction was to laugh. He ran his hands through his hair continuing to laugh lightly. He brings his head up to look at me but my face was unchanging in utter shock.

He thinks that I'm joking.

His smile begins to fade. He watches me for a minute before breaking out in a smile again.

"You can't be pregnant. We've never had sex. You shouldn't play cruel jokes Reign," He says mostly looking at the floor and not at me. I move my hand to my shoulder beginning to rub it slightly trying to look at anything but him.

Since he didn't believe me, I shouldn't have to tell him the truth right? I can't help but to think that the truth would literally break him.

Because I know it will.

"I know." I whisper somewhat praying that he wouldn't hear me. I continue to look at the floor not looking at him since he started to smile again. I forced myself to look up at him and saw the face of utter and complete heartbreak.

He began to take harder and shorter breathes while looking between my face and my stomach. His hands began to clench at his sides while his face began to get a red tint behind his skin.

"Y-you cheated on me?" He forced the words out of his mouth.

"No! Oh god no! I would never cheat on you Zayn," I say lowering my voice to a whisper. He stood there looking at me I suppose waiting for an explanation. I took in a sharp breath and exhaled softly before I began to speak.

"It was at the party where I met you. I went with Kim and I ended up meeting this guy who got me incredibly drunk. Because I was so drunk I ended up with the guy," I say forcing out the last part. I didn't want him to know about the details of the party. I know I met him there but I never wanted him to know about my drunken hookup.

He crossed his arms making the first movement since I told him the short story. I watched him closely very curious and scared as to what he might do. He puts one hand over both his eyes and sighs.

"How long?" He says his voice raspy.

"A month and a half," I say quickly. His head shoots up his eyes flared with anger.

"You mean you've know for a month and a half and you're just telling me now?!" He raised his voice I could tell his patience was running low. I could tell that this news was getting to him.

"No Zayn I just found out Monday," I said quick to defend myself not wanting to see him get too angry. He begins to pace back and forth in front of me. He stops suddenly and looks at me.

"Who else knows?" He stood right in front me never breaking eye contact while he asked his question.

"I told Kim," I say beginning to fiddle with my fingers.

"Yeah of course," he scoffs putting his hands in the pocket of his favorite cargos. I didn't know what else to say so I silently stood there awaiting his next question.

"Why would you tell her and not me?" He says his voice level lowered and distant

"S-she's my best friend and-"

"I'm you're boyfriend! She doesn't have anything to lose. I do!" He yells beginning to pace the floor again. His eyes are franticly searching for something in the room, but I don't want to ask what.

He runs both his hands into his hair, gripping tightly onto the roots of his head and groaned loudly.

"Why couldn't you have told me a week earlier?" His voice is nearly a whisper but loud enough to hear him. He drops his head to the floor his fingers still locked in his hair. My anger begins to boil. Why is he so mad? He should be being sympathetic instead of badgering me.

"Would have made a difference!?" I yell at him.

"Yes!! It would've made a biiiig fucking difference!" He yells back even louder and I flinch. His anger is rising anyone could tell by the look in his eyes.

I never thought he would get so upset.

His eyes soften in the slightly at my reaction to him. He sighs letting his hair loosen and plops down on a chair in the living room. He places his elbows on his knees and buries his face in his hands.

"Why today? Why tell me today instead of some other day?" He mumbled into his hands. I couldn't simply couldn't tell him about what Kim told me. I open my mouth to say something along the lines of 'I thought it was the right time' but he interrupts me right before.

"And don't...lie to me," with that he looks at me and my heart begins to beat faster. I let out a huge breath and looked out the window.

"When I told Kim, that Monday," I say looking back at him. His eyes are full to the brim with hurt and I didn't want to see him hurt anymore. "She told me if I didn't tell you by Friday she'd tell you herself," I sighed trying to find something to distract me from Zayn.

He didn't move though I thought I'd get a heated argument.

"You only told me were forced?" I dared not to look at his face worried what I would see.

"Yes," I said nodding my head softly. I could hear shuffling behind me and seconds later he was walking past me to the front door.

"Zayn!" I called for him before he reached the door and he turned around and watched me his eyes noticeable duller. He looked at me not saying a word but waiting for me to speak.

"I'm sorry Zayn. I just-"

"You told me because you had to not because you wanted to. How long was it gonna be until you fucking told me about you're drunken fault?"


He said that obviously meaning for the words to cut deep. I stood there silently beginning to rub my arm again.

"I'll tell you when. You were-" he groaned angrily as he dug his hand into his pockets. Seconds later he pulled out his phone looking at the screen. I later realize someone's calling him when He glanced up at me before touching the answer button and putting the phone to his ear.

"Yeah?" He spoke firmly his accent thicker because of his anger.

"Yeah I'm kind of busy," he says looking up at me before placing his glance out the window.

He began to walk towards the window his other hand placed on his side, then he suddenly stops. He turns to look at me dead on. I jump slightly at the sudden staring contest we were having the he opened his mouth to speak.

"Yeah I'll be there in a few," he says bringing the phone from his ear and back into his pocket. He looks up at me again his eyes still not retaining their usual color and his skin seems to get paler every time I looked at him.

"I'm leaving," he stated simply and turned back toward the door.

"Zayn!" I called for him but he continued his strides to the door.


"What about never letting me ago?" I struggled to get out without my voice betraying me. He stopped movement right as he reached the door and I felt my eyes beginning to get watery.

He turned to me and looked into my eyes before watching the ground again.

"I guess I lied," he shrugged opening the front door and walking out moments later.

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing afterwards.


Aww! Zayn left. What now?

How do you guys think Reign is going to do if no one is there for her like she wanted Zayn to be? Do you guys really feel like Zayn is gone for good?

Tell me what you guys think! I'd always love to here from you guys!





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