Chapter 23

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~Reign's P.O.V~

Liam was stretched over the back of the boat throwing up his past dinners into the lake.

"Jesus Liam, we've only been out here for ten minutes," I say scrunching my face at the disgusting noises he made.

"Well I've been drinking for the last hour," he says panting furiously trying to catch his breath.

"It's eleven in the morning!" I exclaim.

"Your point?" He says crossing his arms over his chest his cheeks tinted red as he moves his body from over the railing of the boat. I look to Louis whose talking with Zayn and back to Liam.

"You've been drinking since ten this morning?"

"Your point?" He says getting angrier and Louis laughs.

"Don't mind him, he's just having girlfriend trouble,"

"Shut up Louis," Liam growled.

"His girlfriend broke up with him so-"

"Louis shut u-" Liam started but then turned around to empty his guts into the river.

"Its a pretty river, yeah?" Zayn said putting his arm around my shoulder. I look up to him and smile.

"Well if you ignore Liam's vomit, it actually very beautiful," I laugh back and he laughs with me. After we stop he watches me with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I say getting self conscious.

"You should wear your glasses again,"

"God no," I scoffed. "I'd look like a pregnant librarian,"

"A beautiful, pregnant librarian,"

"Shut up," I laugh feeling my cheeks get hot. I look over to Kim and Harry. Harry's arm is wrapped around Kim's waist as he whispers something in her ear making her giggle. He kisses he cheek softly and I groan soft enough so Zayn can't hear. I look up to him and he's blissfully looking out across the river with no cares in the world. He always seems to look that way when he's with me. I look back to Kim in Harry's arms. I hate him.

With a passion.

He acts like he's just perfect and beautiful, when on reality he cheated on her with me and got me pregnant, and is constantly cheating on her with that 'Taylor' girl.

"What do you think Rey?"

"Hmm?" I say not even knowing who asked me the question.

"Told you she wasn't listening," Liam says looking out over the boat.

"Would you like to go bowling this weekend?" Zayn asked. "Everyone wants to go so how about you?"

"Are you going?" I ask.

"Yeah," he shrugs.

"Then you have your answer," I say kissing him and he smile once I pull away.

"You wouldn't mind if I take this lovely woman away, would ya?" I hear Kim say as he laces her hand through mine. "Thanks your the greatest Malik!" She says pulling me away, before he even answers, to a part of the boat where it was just us.

"We haven't had a chance to talk and there's no way we're talking around all those boys," she smiles and I smile back.

"We haven't talked in.." She shrugs."In over a month,"

"I know things just got really complicated with the baby, and then Zayn's father-"

"What happened with Zayn's father?" She questioned and I sigh.

I'm Pregnant? {1D FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now