Chapter 7

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I stand in my living room officially stunned and all alone. The room seemed to have lowered 15 degrees after Kimberly made her statement, and it hasn't been rising since she left. I feel my phone vibrate and when I take my phone from my pocket I realize that I've been standing here for five minutes having a mental conversation with myself. It's crazy how easily I can get distracted. It's Zayn.

~Call me when she leaves.~

I think about replying back but forget about it once I go back upstairs and lay down.

This is going to be the worst week of my life.


Well I officially hate Mondays. I apparently get the worst news possible on Mondays. I found out I was pregnant, basically told my boyfriend I lie to him he just doesn't know when, and my best friend threatened to tell my boyfriend about my pregnancy if I don't. I groan loudly and pull at the ends of my hair.

"You okay honey?" My dad yells from the kitchen. Oh and I can't forget telling my dad. I should've never went to that party, if I didn't I'd be living carefree not thinking of everything I'm thinking about now.

"Yeah dad I'm fine,"

God I'm so stupid.

"Is Crane coming for you or am I taking you this morning?" My dad says grabbing his briefcase.

"Zayn dad," I laugh. "And yeah he's coming for me, thanks though." I say looking in my texts to make sure I read his message right.

He laughs, opens the front door and gasps.

"Guess whose here darling?" He says using his crappy English accent.

"Is it my lovely Crane?" I say gasping and covering my mouth with my own English accent. "Well I must be taking my leave then!" I say grabbing my bag and heading for the door. I walk past my father who is cracking up in laughter and head towards Zayn's car. I pull the door open then turn back to my father.

"Ado Father!"

"Ado my beautiful daughter!" I let out a chuckle then jump in the car and close the door behind me. I look over to Zayn who is staring at me with the most puzzled look on his face.

"What? Me and my dad role play English people." I say in defense, but trying to keep the smile off my face.

"I'm not sure if I should take offense to that," he laughs leaning over to kiss me. Even a light kiss from him has my stomach in knots for the rest of the evening. He pulls away and watches me closely making me smile in embarrassment.

"What?" I blush.

"Nothing," he shakes his head a smile on his face.

"Well then drive," I chuckle pushing his shoulder.

"Fiiiine," he groans as he pulls the car out of park into reverse. He pulls out the driveway and down the road going well over the speed limit.

"I know it's a small town in Michigan, but cops still do exist you know," I laugh.

"Why don't you wear your glasses anymore?" He asks me keeping his eyes on the road, but focusing his attention to me. I didn't even know that was possible.

"Uh well that's outta the blue. I guess I just...I don't know." I say shrugging my shoulders. He nods his head.

"You think you don't look pretty in them," he says glancing my way for no longer than a second. "But in reality, they make you beautiful," I see a smile come across his face as I feel my cheeks heat up. His smile gets bigger. He knows, even though he's not looking at me, that I'm blushing and it just makes me blush harder.

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