Chapter 15

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~Reign's P.O.V~

I watched him carefully to see if he was joking or not. I look to everyone else and they watch him too except Riley. She was extremely pissed. And I liked that.

I look back to him with the slightest smile on my face because of Riley's reaction.

"You sure?" Kim says putting her hair to the side of her shoulder.

"Yeah it's on the way to my house so, it's fine," he said walking to his car. "If it's okay with you," he said looking back to me. I looked around before shrugging and nodding my head. I head over to his car kinda skeptical about siting in the passenger seat, or being in a car with him at all.

By the time I turn around everyone else was in Harry's car ready to leave. As the car was pulling out Kim rolled down the window.

"Thank you Zayn, you're awesome! Bye Reign, Love you!" She yelled out the window and they sped off. I waved my hand deciding that they were too far away to yell back. The smile on my face sticks as I think of what a great friend she really is.

I turn around to see Zayn leaning against his car watching me curiously. I realize that my hand is still in the air from waving at the car. I quickly put my hand to the side and walk to the passenger side of Zayn's car. I open the door, wiping off the seat before I sit down. I deliberately stare forward feeling his eyes on me.

I feel the car start up and begin to back out of the parking lot. I release I breath that I was holding as soon as I entered the car and the awkward atmosphere.

We drove for about five minutes in total silence, only the sound of the car radio playing lightly in the background. My phone begins to make this noise notifying me that my device was dying. I groan lightly and put the phone back in my pocket.

"Um hey I uh- I have to stop by my house for something because I'm not going straight home after I drop you home. Is that okay?" He asks me quietly. I look to him, trying to see I there is any hidden motive he has behind his offer, but it's hard to tell when he's staring at the road.

The car slowed to a stop at a fork in the road, one a dirt path and the other continues as regular road. I turn to him and he's already watching me. I swallow a lump in my throat not sure why at this moment I feel scared.

"So?" He asks me again and I feel myself able to breathe again. I forgot that I he asked me that question.

"I mean if it's a problem I could just take you home. It's no big deal," he shrugged his shoulders. I shook my head deciding that his motives are pure. I look to him and his face is in shock.

"R-really? It's fine?" He said complete and utterly dumbfounded. I laugh involuntarily at the face that he's making. I cover my mouth seconds after then clear my throat soon after.

"It's fine," I look to him and smile gently and his goes away and is replaced with a gentle smile like mine. He puts the car in drive pulling off the shoulder of the road and down the dirt path.

After driving down the road for more than five minutes and seeing little to no houses on the roadsides I begin to get scared. Could he really live all the way out here? All the houses we've passed so far have been nearly two times bigger than my house and the suspense to see what his house looks like is killing me.

The car slows as it turns around this very sharp corner and behind the trees it reveals this amazing house. My mouth is hung open as I stare and marvel in it's beauty. It must be three stories high with a modern look to it. It's gorgeous.

It takes me a moment to realize that we're already in the driveway and Zayn is out of the car about to close the door behind him. He catches me watching him and turns back to look at the house, then back to me.

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