Chapter 20

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~Zayn's P.O.V~

"Zayny, how've you b-"

"Zayn," I snap looking subtlety behind me to see Reign hiding intentionally behind me from my father. She must expect this won't end well seeing as how I feel the same way.

"Excuse me, Zayn, how have you been? What are you now a sophomore?" He asked placing his briefcase on the dining room table.

"I'm about to graduate," I say back to him angry that he probably doesn't even know how old I am. "What you've been away so long you turned more fucking stupid?" I say crossing my arms.

"Zayn," my mum said calming my nerves down a little. My father looked to my mother then back to me.

"Seems you're manners have gone downhill as you're age went up," he laughed lightly to my mom.

"Well it seem that everything went downhill as you got older," I said back making Reign giggle behind me. My dad looked at me strangely finally noticing her behind me.

"Who is that?" My dad asked me and I refused to answer, but he was persistent.

"She's my girlfriend," I said the annoyance clear as daylight in my voice and my father smiled.

"Well, well I always knew you were a ladykiller. Well stop hiding her let me see her!" He exclaimed a bit over excited and we all just stood in one spot, my mother included. My dad looked at us confused wondering why no one even responded to him.

I heard shuffling behind me as Reign moved in front of me. I tried to grab her hand to keep her in place but as much as I tease her about being slow shes awfully quick for a six months pregnant lady. She stepped forward walking towards my father extending her hand as a greeting.

"Hi I'm Reign Summers," she said still holding her hand out to him as his smile dwindles. I shot a glance to my mum whose just as confused as me and if she doesn't know what to do then this definitely isn't going to turn out well.

"What the hell?" My father spoke violently and I could recognize the way he spoke. Back when I was little and did something wrong this was the voice he'd use. It's when he has no filter and will say or do anything to make you feel like complete and utter shit. But as much as I want to move to shield her from his words I can't. I feel glued to the floor.

"Is this some sort of joke?" He half laughed as he repeatedly scanned Reign up and down and each time stopping at her stomach. "There's got to be some other girl behind you," He said looking past Reign to look behind me once more. My mom cleared her throat.

"It's not a joke Yaser," My mum said slowly watching Reign and pleading with her eyes to make her go back to me. My dad turns back to Reign his face labeled with bitter disgust then looks up to me.

"My son is not stupid," his tone is harsh.

"If you'll just let me explain. The baby is-" I realize what she is trying to do and my arms and legs immediately decided to kick back into action.

"So what if it is my baby? What difference would it make?" I say as I step towards Reign and drag her behind me stoping her from talking altogether. I pushed aside my instinct to ask her if she's okay because I may have manhandled her a bit.

"You're not old enough to care for a baby!" He shouts at me. I scoff and cross my hands cross my chest.

"My age doesn't matter," I say after I breathe in and out to calm myself before I blow up.

"Age matters too much Zayn! You're just a kid! You don't know what you're doing!"

"Oh and you did!" I shout back trembling not being able to hold in the anger anymore. "You knew what you were doing when you and mum had me right? When you had Doniya? Because you're perfect and nothing can surpass you're perfection," I say shaking my hands in the air every time said perfect. He stared at me with a blank expression so I continued on.

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